Commit 5aee4bca authored by Ed Reel's avatar Ed Reel Committed by GitHub

Update codium from 1.53.2 to 1.54.3 (#5478)

Add list of true dependencies
parent 164a1aa5
......@@ -3,27 +3,46 @@ require 'package'
class Codium < Package
description 'VSCodium is Open Source Software Binaries of VSCode with a community-driven default configuration.'
homepage ''
version '1.53.2'
version '1.54.3'
license 'MIT'
compatibility 'aarch64,armv7l,x86_64'
case ARCH
when 'aarch64', 'armv7l'
source_url "{version}/VSCodium-linux-armhf-#{version}.tar.gz"
source_sha256 '2854134dfb9ddec5299c00bcdaceb2d81403a077bd0356408a025fe5025e0fe8'
source_sha256 '9932c84944e256e3191c62f368257ebd3024db0737817bb44b16b140729851e2'
@arch = 'arm'
when 'x86_64'
source_url "{version}/VSCodium-linux-x64-#{version}.tar.gz"
source_sha256 'e1a79ab2284f7497ac7b7a742cdc6425b9c9dcf81ad8e14c842d9201a2fb37ad'
source_sha256 '104130e3353d30c080af49d1c5530e373552a363b8c3118a544318546be7e794'
@arch = 'x64'
unless ARCH == 'i686'
depends_on 'gtk2'
depends_on 'libsecret'
depends_on 'libgconf'
depends_on 'xdg_base'
depends_on 'sommelier'
depends_on 'alsa_lib'
depends_on 'atk'
depends_on 'at_spi2_atk'
depends_on 'at_spi2_core'
depends_on 'cairo'
depends_on 'cups'
depends_on 'dbus'
depends_on 'firefox'
depends_on 'gdk_pixbuf'
depends_on 'glib'
depends_on 'gtk3'
depends_on 'libdrm'
depends_on 'libx11'
depends_on 'libxcb'
depends_on 'libxcomposite'
depends_on 'libxdamage'
depends_on 'libxext'
depends_on 'libxfixes'
depends_on 'libxkbcommon'
depends_on 'libxkbfile'
depends_on 'libxrandr'
depends_on 'mesa'
depends_on 'nspr'
depends_on 'nss'
depends_on 'pango'
depends_on 'sommelier'
def self.install
FileUtils.mkdir_p "#{CREW_DEST_PREFIX}/VSCodium-linux-#{@arch}"
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