Commit 874a3490 authored by Alex Zapatka's avatar Alex Zapatka

new file: packages/screen.rb

parent 8eef57d0
require 'package' # include package class file
class Screen < Package # name the package and make it a Package class instance
version '4.3.1' # software version
source_url '' # software source tarball url
source_sha1 'a524761504e28480517e338b20c852f2ab100c93' # source tarball sha1 sum
depends_on 'ncurses' # software dependencies
def # contains commands needed to build the software from source
system "./configure --prefix=/usr/local"
system "make" end
def self.install # self.install contains commands needed to install the software on the target system
system "make", "DESTDIR=#{CREW_DEST_DIR}", "install" # remember to include DESTDIR set to CREW_DEST_DIR - needed to keep track of changes made to system
end # during installation
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