Commit f0f610a5 authored by Ed Reel's avatar Ed Reel Committed by Chris Thurber

Add tkdiff package (#3394)

parent dbf0867b
require 'package'
class Tkdiff < Package
description 'TkDiff is a graphical front end to the diff program.'
homepage ''
version '4.3.5'
source_url ''
source_sha256 '29d7f0b815d06b0ab6653baa9b6b7c213801ce6a976724ae843bf9735cbbde7e'
depends_on 'tk'
def self.install
system "install -Dm755 tkdiff #{CREW_DEST_PREFIX}/bin/tkdiff"
...@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ exclusions+=' qt.rb sl.rb spark.rb stack.rb sublime_merge.rb sublime_text.rb the ...@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ exclusions+=' qt.rb sl.rb spark.rb stack.rb sublime_merge.rb sublime_text.rb the
exclusions+=' neofetch.rb perl_gcstring_linebreak.rb perl_io_socket_ssl.rb perl_locale_gettext.rb perl_locale_messages.rb perl_module_build.rb' exclusions+=' neofetch.rb perl_gcstring_linebreak.rb perl_io_socket_ssl.rb perl_locale_gettext.rb perl_locale_messages.rb perl_module_build.rb'
exclusions+=' perl_read_key.rb perl_sgmls.rb perl_term_ansicolor.rb perl_text_charwidth.rb perl_text_unidecode.rb perl_text_wrapi18n.rb' exclusions+=' perl_read_key.rb perl_sgmls.rb perl_term_ansicolor.rb perl_text_charwidth.rb perl_text_unidecode.rb perl_text_wrapi18n.rb'
exclusions+=' perl_time_hires.rb perl_unicode_eastasianwidth.rb perl_xml_parser.rb perl_xml_sax_parserfactory.rb perl_xml_simple.rb' exclusions+=' perl_time_hires.rb perl_unicode_eastasianwidth.rb perl_xml_parser.rb perl_xml_sax_parserfactory.rb perl_xml_simple.rb'
exclusions+=' leiningen.rb v2ray.rb' exclusions+=' leiningen.rb tkdiff.rb v2ray.rb'
if [[ "${arch}" == 'aarch64' || "${arch}" == 'armv7l' ]]; then if [[ "${arch}" == 'aarch64' || "${arch}" == 'armv7l' ]]; then
exclusions+=' az.rb cf.rb clisp.rb dropbox.rb freebasic.rb miniconda3.rb misctools.rb oci.rb wkhtmltox.rb xorg_intel_driver.rb xorg_vmmouse_driver.rb' exclusions+=' az.rb cf.rb clisp.rb dropbox.rb freebasic.rb miniconda3.rb misctools.rb oci.rb wkhtmltox.rb xorg_intel_driver.rb xorg_vmmouse_driver.rb'
fi fi
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