Commit f9893870 authored by supechicken666's avatar supechicken666 Committed by GitHub

Added instructions and all-in-one script to use i3 windows manager (#4482)

* Add files via upload

* Open XServer XSDL before running 'starti3'"

* Updated i3 to 4.18.3 and moved the script

* Made the script section more simple and the script will auto recover the variable when exit i3

* Replace `initsommelier` with `startsommelier`
parent 782820fe
......@@ -3,23 +3,10 @@ require 'package'
class I3 < Package
description 'Improved tiling window manager'
homepage ''
version '4.18.2'
version '4.18.3'
compatibility 'all'
source_url ''
source_sha256 'b28617d62f308b93817fc9949daffee74cf4a001685de389f3072cb44cf5120c'
binary_url ({
aarch64: '',
armv7l: '',
i686: '',
x86_64: '',
binary_sha256 ({
aarch64: '07ce3141085991bc04c5af3bba743822e03de73ae3b21783e32cefbeecd689fc',
armv7l: '07ce3141085991bc04c5af3bba743822e03de73ae3b21783e32cefbeecd689fc',
i686: '58cf75589a6afcfba39453b3d381ef0674795173c953f9cf9e9bf6d5aa004fbe',
x86_64: 'c7771c90f1c02daac5b9a2a53fbc9c21cd6088fb3e74048c2308724ef05374e8',
source_url ''
source_sha256 '53ae7903fad6eea830d58e949698e4a502c432c0d0a582659a0a59b1b995b10d'
depends_on 'libev'
depends_on 'startup_notification'
......@@ -40,6 +27,20 @@ class I3 < Package
system 'make', "DESTDIR=#{CREW_DEST_DIR}", 'install'
Dir.chdir "#{CREW_DEST_PREFIX}/bin" do
system "for f in \$(ls #{CREW_BUILD}-*); do g=\$(echo \$f | sed 's,#{CREW_BUILD}-,,'); ln -sf \$f \$g; done"
system "echo '#!/bin/sh' > starti3"
system "echo 'stopsommelier' >> starti3"
system "echo 'export DISPLAY=' >> starti3"
system "echo 'i3 \"$@\"' >> starti3"
system "echo 'export DISPLAY=:0' >> starti3"
system "echo 'startsommelier' >> starti3"
system "chmod +x starti3"
def self.postinstall
puts "To use this package, you need to download XServer XSDL from Google Play Store".lightblue
puts "Use 'starti3' instead of 'i3' to execute this package".lightblue
puts "Open XServer XSDL before running 'starti3'"
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