Commit d1786bbf authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

Release GIL while (de)compressing

parent aaa67d43
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ cdef extern from "Python.h":
void Py_DECREF(PyObject *o)
PyObject *PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(char *v, Py_ssize_t len) except NULL
int _PyBytes_Resize(PyObject **string, Py_ssize_t newsize) except -1
char *PyBytes_AS_STRING(PyObject *string)
char *PyBytes_AS_STRING(PyObject *string) nogil
cdef extern from "zstd.h":
# To simplify implementation, we use signed types (and detect errors with
......@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ cdef extern from "zstd.h":
PY_LONG_LONG ZSTD_getFrameContentSize(const void *src, ssize_t srcSize)
ssize_t ZSTD_compress(void *dst, ssize_t dstCapacity,
const void *src, ssize_t srcSize,
int compressionLevel)
int compressionLevel) nogil
ssize_t ZSTD_decompress(void *dst, ssize_t dstCapacity,
const void *src, ssize_t compressedSize)
const void *src, ssize_t compressedSize) nogil
def maxCLevel():
return ZSTD_maxCLevel()
......@@ -40,34 +40,39 @@ def getErrorName(code):
# why can't I just cast to str ?
IF str is bytes:
return ZSTD_getErrorName(code)
return ZSTD_getErrorName(code).decode()
return ZSTD_getErrorName(code).decode()
error = None
global error
def compress(bytes string not None, int level=0):
int x
ssize_t srcSize = len(string)
ssize_t dstCapacity = ZSTD_compressBound(srcSize)
PyObject *dst = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(NULL, dstCapacity)
int x = ZSTD_compress(PyBytes_AS_STRING(dst), dstCapacity,
_PyBytes_AS_STRING(string), srcSize,
with nogil:
x = ZSTD_compress(PyBytes_AS_STRING(dst), dstCapacity,
PyBytes_AS_STRING(<PyObject*>string), srcSize,
if x < 0:
raise error(-x)
_PyBytes_Resize(&dst, x)
r = <object>dst
Py_DECREF(dst) # revert the unwanted incref on the previous line
Py_DECREF(<PyObject*>r) # revert the unwanted incref on the previous line
return r
def decompress(bytes string not None):
int x
ssize_t compressedSize = len(string)
void *src = _PyBytes_AS_STRING(string)
PY_LONG_LONG dstCapacity = _getFrameContentSize(src, compressedSize)
dst = _PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(NULL, dstCapacity)
cdef int x = ZSTD_decompress(_PyBytes_AS_STRING(dst), dstCapacity,
src, compressedSize)
with nogil:
x = ZSTD_decompress(PyBytes_AS_STRING(<PyObject*>dst), dstCapacity,
src, compressedSize)
if x < 0:
raise error(-x)
return dst
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