Commit 2be36bce authored by Xavier Thompson's avatar Xavier Thompson

Clean up code generation for instanciated template parameters

parent 4d5173e5
......@@ -4133,7 +4133,7 @@ class CppClassType(CType):
if template_params is None:
template_params = self.templates
if self.templates:
template_strings = [param.declaration_code('', for_display, None, pyrex)
template_strings = [template_parameter_code(param, for_display, pyrex)
for param in template_params
if not is_optional_template_param(param) and not param.is_fused]
if for_display:
......@@ -5044,13 +5044,7 @@ def best_match(arg_types, functions, pos=None, env=None, args=None, throw=False)
type_list = [deductions[param] for param in func_type.templates]
from .Symtab import Entry
template_cstrings = [
"%s%s" % (
"*" if t.is_cyp_class else ""
for t in type_list
template_cstrings = [template_parameter_code(t) for t in type_list]
specialization = Entry(
name = + "[%s]" % ",".join([str(t) for t in type_list]),
cname = func.cname + "<%s>" % ",".join(template_cstrings),
......@@ -5478,7 +5472,7 @@ def cap_length(s, max_prefix=63, max_len=1024):
def namespace_declaration_code(namespace):
Add 'typename' to the beginning of the declaration code when the namespace is template-dependent
Add 'typename' to the beginning of the declaration code when the namespace is template-dependent.
base_code = namespace.empty_declaration_code()
if not base_code.startswith("typename "):
......@@ -5486,3 +5480,9 @@ def namespace_declaration_code(namespace):
if any(isinstance(t, TemplatePlaceholderType) for t in namespace.templates):
base_code = "typename %s" % base_code
return base_code
def template_parameter_code(T, for_display = 0, pyrex = 0):
Return the code string for a template parameter in a template instanciation.
return T.declaration_code('', for_display, None, pyrex)
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