Commit 2ffe0aa6 authored by Xavier Thompson's avatar Xavier Thompson

Add unit test for refcounting of elements of cypclass arrays

parent 4d1306cc
# mode: run
# tag: cpp, cpp11, pthread
# cython: experimental_cpp_class_def=True, language_level=2
cdef cypclass Refcounted:
int index
__init__(self, int index):
self.index = index
__dealloc__(self) with gil:
print("destroyed: %d" % index)
cdef Refcounted global_array[10]
def test_global_array_init():
>>> test_global_array_init()
for i in range(10):
if global_array[i] is not NULL:
return -(i+1)
return 0
def test_local_array_init():
>>> test_local_array_init()
cdef Refcounted local_array[10]
for i in range(10):
if local_array[i] is not NULL:
return -(i+1)
return 0
def test_global_array_refcount():
>>> test_global_array_refcount()
destroyed: 0
obj = Refcounted(0)
if Cy_GETREF(obj) != 2:
return -1
for i in range(10):
global_array[i] = obj
if Cy_GETREF(obj) != 2 + i + 1:
return -(i+2)
for i in range(10):
del global_array[i]
if Cy_GETREF(obj) != 12 - i - 1:
return -(i+12)
if Cy_GETREF(obj) != 2:
return -22
return 0
def test_local_array_refcount():
>>> test_local_array_refcount()
destroyed: 0
cdef Refcounted local_array[10]
obj = Refcounted(0)
if Cy_GETREF(obj) != 2:
return -1
for i in range(10):
local_array[i] = obj
if Cy_GETREF(obj) != 2 + i + 1:
return -(i+2)
for i in range(10):
del local_array[i]
if Cy_GETREF(obj) != 12 - i - 1:
return -(i+12)
if Cy_GETREF(obj) != 2:
return -22
return 0
def test_local_array_destruction():
>>> test_local_array_destruction()
destroyed: 0
destroyed: 1
destroyed: 2
destroyed: 3
destroyed: 4
destroyed: 5
destroyed: 6
destroyed: 7
destroyed: 8
destroyed: 9
cdef Refcounted local_array[10]
for i in range(10):
local_array[i] = Refcounted(i)
def test_local_array_assignment_destruction():
>>> test_local_array_assignment_destruction()
destroyed: 0
destroyed: 1
destroyed: 2
destroyed: 3
destroyed: 4
destroyed: 5
destroyed: 6
destroyed: 7
destroyed: 8
destroyed: 9
destroyed: 10
destroyed: 11
destroyed: 12
destroyed: 13
destroyed: 14
destroyed: 15
destroyed: 16
destroyed: 17
destroyed: 18
destroyed: 19
cdef Refcounted local_array[10]
cdef Refcounted local_array2[10]
for i in range(10):
local_array[i] = Refcounted(i)
for i in range(10):
local_array2[i] = Refcounted(i + 10)
local_array = local_array2
cdef int test_array_as_argument(Refcounted* array, int size):
obj = Refcounted(0)
if Cy_GETREF(obj) != 2:
return -1
for i in range(size):
array[i] = obj
if Cy_GETREF(obj) != 2 + i + 1:
return -(i+2)
for i in range(10):
del array[i]
if Cy_GETREF(obj) != 12 - i - 1:
return -(i+size+2)
if Cy_GETREF(obj) != 2:
return -(2*size+2)
return 0
def test_array_argument_refcount():
>>> test_array_argument_refcount()
destroyed: 0
cdef Refcounted local_array[10]
return test_array_as_argument(local_array, 10)
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