Commit 4592586d authored by Robert Bradshaw's avatar Robert Bradshaw

Add late import test.

parent 9cdacc94
PYTHON build_ext --inplace
PYTHON -c "import a"
PYTHON -c "import b"
######## ########
from Cython.Build import cythonize
from distutils.core import setup
ext_modules = cythonize("*.pyx"),
######## a.pxd ########
cdef extern from "a_early.h":
ctypedef int my_int
cdef extern from "a_late.h":
my_int square_value_plus_one()
cdef my_int my_value "my_value"
cdef my_int square "square"(my_int x)
######## a.pyx ########
my_value = 10
cdef my_int square "square"(my_int x):
return x * x
assert square_value_plus_one() == 101
# Square must be explicitly used for its proto to be generated.
cdef my_int use_square(x):
return square(x)
######## a_early.h ########
typedef int my_int;
######## a_late.h ########
static my_int square_value_plus_one() {
return square(my_value) + 1;
######## b.pyx ########
cimport a
# Likewise, a.square must be explicitly used.
assert a.square(a.my_value) + 1 == 101
assert a.square_value_plus_one() == 101
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