Commit 56b3b8ab authored by Robert Bradshaw's avatar Robert Bradshaw

More clarification.

parent 82351e16
......@@ -581,9 +581,10 @@ class CompilationOptions(object):
Return a string that contains all the options that are relevant for cache invalidation.
# Collect only the data that can affect the generated file(s).
data = {}
for key in self.__dict__:
for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
if key in ['show_version', 'errors_to_stderr', 'verbose', 'quiet']:
# verbosity flags have no influence on the compilation result
......@@ -620,16 +621,16 @@ class CompilationOptions(object):
elif key in ['use_listing_file', 'generate_pxi', 'annotate', 'annotate_coverage_xml']:
# all output files are contained in the cache so the types of
# files generated must be part of the fingerprint
data[key] = value
elif key in ['formal_grammar', 'evaluate_tree_assertions']:
# these bits can change whether compilation to C passes/fails
data[key] = value
elif key in ['embedded_metadata', 'emit_linenums', 'c_line_in_traceback', 'gdb_debug', 'relative_path_in_code_position_comments']:
# the generated code contains additional bits when these are set
data[key] = value
elif key in ['cplus', 'language_level', 'compile_time_env', 'np_pythran']:
# assorted bits that, e.g., influence the parser
data[key] = value
elif key == ['capi_reexport_cincludes']:
if self.capi_reexport_cincludes:
# our caching implementation does not yet include fingerprints of all the header files
......@@ -640,9 +641,7 @@ class CompilationOptions(object):
# any unexpected option should go into the fingerprint; it's better
# to recompile than to return incorrect results from the cache.
data[key] = self.__dict__[key]
data[key] = value
def to_fingerprint(item):
......@@ -650,7 +649,7 @@ class CompilationOptions(object):
deterministic ordering.
if isinstance(item, dict):
item = sorted([(repr(key), to_fingerprint(item[key])) for key in item])
item = sorted([(repr(key), to_fingerprint(value)) for key, value in item.items()])
return repr(item)
return to_fingerprint(data)
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