Commit 77af99cb authored by Robert Bradshaw's avatar Robert Bradshaw

Special method docstring tests.

parent ebba4723
cdef class A:
>>> A.__init__.__doc__
'A.__init__ docstring'
>>> A.__len__.__doc__
'A.__len__ docstring'
>>> A.__add__.__doc__
'A.__add__ docstring'
def __init__(self):
"A.__init__ docstring"
def __len__(self):
"A.__len__ docstring"
def __add__(self, other):
"A.__add__ docstring"
cdef class B(A):
>>> B.__init__.__doc__
'A.__init__ docstring'
>>> B.__len__.__doc__
'B.__len__ docstring'
>>> B.__add__.__doc__
'A.__add__ docstring'
def __len__(self):
"B.__len__ docstring"
class C(A):
>>> C.__init__.__doc__
'A.__init__ docstring'
>>> C.__len__.__doc__
'C.__len__ docstring'
>>> C.__add__.__doc__
'A.__add__ docstring'
def __len__(self):
"C.__len__ docstring"
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