Commit 9be024dc authored by gabrieldemarmiesse's avatar gabrieldemarmiesse

Moved an example of for loop with char* to the examples directory.

parent 04780910
cdef char* c_string = "Hello world"
cdef char c
for c in c_string[:11]:
if c == 'A':
print("Found the letter A")
......@@ -668,13 +668,9 @@ Iteration
Cython 0.13 supports efficient iteration over :c:type:`char*`,
bytes and unicode strings, as long as the loop variable is
appropriately typed. So the following will generate the expected
C code::
C code:
cdef char* c_string = ...
cdef char c
for c in c_string[:100]:
if c == 'A': ...
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/tutorial/string/for_char.pyx
The same applies to bytes objects::
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