Commit 34c1c8e6 authored by Sebastien Robin's avatar Sebastien Robin

PartJobShop: very simple order in GUI have now successfull simulation run

All the display of results needs to be reviewed
parent e53c6727
......@@ -8,15 +8,17 @@ from datetime import datetime
from dream.simulation.GUI import ACO
from dream.simulation.GUI.Default import schema
MACHINE_TYPE_SET = set(["Dream.MachineManagedJob"])
class Simulation(ACO.Simulation):
def getConfigurationDict(self):
conf = ACO.Simulation.getConfigurationDict(self)
conf["Dream-MachineJobShop"] = {
conf["Dream-MachineManagedJob"] = {
"property_list": [
"_class": 'Dream.MachineJobShop',
"_class": 'Dream.MachineManagedJob',
"name": 'Machine'
conf["Dream-QueueManagedJob"] = {
......@@ -41,6 +43,10 @@ class Simulation(ACO.Simulation):
"_class": 'Dream.ExitJobShop',
"name": 'Exit'
conf["Dream-Operator"] = {
"_class": 'Dream.Operator',
"name": 'Operator'
conf["Dream-OrderDecomposition"] = {
"_class": 'Dream.OrderDecomposition',
"name": 'Decompo'
......@@ -58,10 +64,44 @@ class Simulation(ACO.Simulation):
return conf
def getMachineNameSet(self, step_name):
Give list of machines given a particular step name. For example
if step_name is "CAM", it will return ["CAM1", "CAM2"]
machine_name_set = set()
for machine_name in["nodes"].keys():
if machine_name.startswith(step_name):
print "getMachineNameSet, %r : %r" % (step_name, machine_name_set)
return machine_name_set
def getNotMachineNodePredecessorList(self, step_name):
Give the list of all predecessors that are not of type machine
For example, for step_name "CAM", it may return "QCAM"
predecessor_list = []
machine_name_set = self.getMachineNameSet(step_name)
for edge in["edges"].values():
print "getNotMachineNodePredecessorList, edge[1]: %r" % edge[1]
if edge[1] in machine_name_set:
predecessor_step = edge[0]
if predecessor_step in predecessor_list:
if not["nodes"][predecessor_step]["_class"] in MACHINE_TYPE_SET:
predecessor_list = [predecessor_step] + predecessor_list
predecessor_list = [x for x in self.getNotMachineNodePredecessorList(predecessor_step) \
if x not in predecessor_list] + predecessor_list
print "getNotMachineNodePredecessorList, %r : %r" % (step_name, predecessor_list)
# XXX We have to returned an ordered list
return predecessor_list
def _preprocess(self, in_data):
""" Set the WIP in queue from spreadsheet data.
data = copy(in_data) = data
now =
if data['general']['currentDate']:
......@@ -71,40 +111,96 @@ class Simulation(ACO.Simulation):
# Data is presented as follow, with first line the order, then only parts of this order
# Order ID | Due Date | Priority | Project Manager | Parts | Part Type | Sequence | Processing Time | Electrodes needed
# Order 1 | 2013/02/15 | 1 | PM1 | P1 | type1 | Mach1-Mach2 | 3-5 |
wip_dict = {}
# | | | | P2 | type2 | Mach2-Mach3 | 4-7 |
wip_list = []
print "wip part data : %r" % (data['wip_part_spreadsheet'],)
for value_list in data['wip_part_spreadsheet']:
i = 0
wip_part_spreadsheet_length = len(data['wip_part_spreadsheet'])
while i < wip_part_spreadsheet_length:
value_list = data['wip_part_spreadsheet'][i]
print "first value_list: %r" % (value_list,)
if value_list[0] == 'Order ID' or not value_list[4]:
i += 1
print "still there after first continue"
order_dict = {}
order_id, due_date, priority, project_manager, part, part_type,\
sequence_list, processing_time_list, electrode_needed = value_list
due_date = (datetime.strptime(due_date, '%Y/%m/%d') - now).days
sequence_list = sequence_list.split('-')
processing_time_list = processing_time_list.split('-')
wip_dict.setdefault(sequence_list[0], []).append(
"_class": "Dream.Job",
"id": value_list[1],
"name": value_list[0],
"dueDate": dueDate,
"route": [
"processingTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": processing_time_list[i],
"stationIdsList": sequence_list[i].split(','),
"stepNumber": i
} for i in xrange(len(sequence_list))]
for node_id in data['nodes'].keys():
if node_id in wip_dict:
data['nodes'][node_id]['wip'] = wip_dict[node_id]
order_dict["_class"] = "Dream.Order"
order_dict["id"] = order_id
order_dict["manager"] = project_manager
order_dict["name"] = order_id
# XXX can we do better than this ?
order_dict["route"] = [
"stationIdsList": [
"stepNumber": "0"
"processingTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": "1"
"setupTime": {
"setupDistribution": "Fixed",
"setupMean": "0.5"
"stationIdsList": [
"stepNumber": "1"
i += 1
component_list = []
if i < wip_part_spreadsheet_length:
while data['wip_part_spreadsheet'][i][0] == None:
value_list = data['wip_part_spreadsheet'][i]
if value_list[4] == None:
order_id, due_date, priority, project_manager, part, part_type,\
sequence_list, processing_time_list, electrode_needed = value_list
sequence_list = sequence_list.split('-')
processing_time_list = processing_time_list.split('-')
component_dict = {}
component_dict["_class"] = "Dream.OrderComponent"
component_dict["componentType"] = part_type
component_dict["id"] = "%i" % i
component_dict["name"] = part
route_list = []
route_counter = 0
for j, sequence_step in enumerate(sequence_list):
for predecessor_step in self.getNotMachineNodePredecessorList(sequence_step):
route = {"stationIdsList": [predecessor_step],
"stepNumber": "%i" % route_counter
route_counter += 1
route = {"stationIdsList": list(self.getMachineNameSet(sequence_step)),
"stepNumber": "%i" % route_counter,
"processingTime": {"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": "%i" % int(processing_time_list[j])},
"setupTime": {"setupDistribution": "Fixed",
"setupMean": "0.5"}, # XXX hardcoded value
route_counter += 1
component_dict["route"] = route_list
order_dict["componentsList"] = component_list
data["nodes"]["QStart"]["wip"] = wip_list
from pprint import pprint
print pprint(data)
return data
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