remainingProcessingTime added to wip that is injected to the nodes

parent 0698b2d1
......@@ -25,9 +25,16 @@ class InsertWIP(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin):
"sequence": work.get("sequence", None),
"task_id": work.get("task_id", None)
# operator
operator = work.get("operator", None)
if operator:
# remaining Processing Time
remainingProcessingTime = work.get("remainingProcessingTime", 0)
# XXX the time is considered to be provided as a single value
if remainingProcessingTime:
# XXX hard-coded distribution of type Fixed - reconsider for stochastic analyis
wip[-1]["remainingProcessingTime"] = {"Fixed": {"mean": remainingProcessingTime}}
node["wip"] = wip
return data
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