new series of plugins for partjobshop case

parent 13617be4
from copy import copy
import json
import time
import random
import operator
from datetime import datetime
import copy
from dream.plugins import plugin
MACHINE_TYPE_SET = set(["Dream.MachineJobShop", "Dream.MouldAssembly"])
class InsertQueues(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin):
""" Input preparation
reads the data from external data base and inserts buffers before the corresponding stations
def getNotMachineNodePredecessorList(self, stationIDs_list):
Give the list of all predecessors that are not of type machine
For example, for stations with ids that starts with "CAM", it may return "QCAM"
predecessor_list = []
for edge in["graph"]["edge"].values():
if edge["destination"] in stationIDs_list:
predecessor_step = edge["source"]
if predecessor_step in predecessor_list:
if not["graph"]["node"][predecessor_step]["_class"] in MACHINE_TYPE_SET:
predecessor_list = [predecessor_step] + predecessor_list
predecessor_list = [x for x in getNotMachineNodePredecessorList([predecessor_step]) \
if x not in predecessor_list] + predecessor_list
return predecessor_list
def getNotMachineNodeSuccessorList(self, stationIDs_list):
Give the list of all successors that are not of type machine
For example, for stations of technology "CAM", it may return "Decomposition"
for stations of technology "INJM-MAN" or "INJM" it may return "Exit"
successor_list = []
for edge in["graph"]["edge"].values():
if edge["source"] in stationIDs_list:
successor_step = edge["destination"]
if successor_step in successor_list:
if not["graph"]["node"][successor_step]["_class"] in MACHINE_TYPE_SET:
successor_list = [successor_step] + successor_list
successor_list = [x for x in getNotMachineNodeSuccessorList([successor_step]) \
if x not in successor_list] + successor_list
return successor_list
def preprocess(self, data):
""" inserts buffers before the corresponding stations
""" = copy(data)
orders =["BOM"]["orders"]
stations =["BOM"]["stations"]
graph_data =["graph"]
nodes = graph_data["node"]
for order in orders:
orderComponents = order.get("componentsList", [])
for component in orderComponents:
updatedRoute = []
route = component.get("route", [])
# XXX separate mould from design
for step in route:
stationIdsList = step.get("stationIdsList", [])
for index, step in enumerate(route):
stationIdsList = step.get("stationIdsList", [])
for predecessor in self.getNotMachineNodePredecessorList(stationIdsList):
# XXX if the component is a mould then before the assembly do not add AssemblyBuffer
if predecessor.startswith("ASSM"):
# XXX if there is a QCAM there must an OrderDecomposition come
if predecessor.startswith("QCAM"):
for pre_predecessor in self.getNotMachineNodePredecessorList([predecessor]):
"""insert this step (pre_predecessor) to the route
{"stationIdsList": [pre_predecessor],}
"""insert this step (predecessor) to the route
{"stationIdsList": [predecessor],}
# XXX design case - add OrderDecomposition
if any(station.startswith("CAD") for station in stationIdsList) and index==len(route)-1:
for successor in self.getNotMachineNodeSuccessorList(stationIdsList):
"""insert this step (successor) to the route
{"stationIdsList": [succecssor],}
# XXX mould case - add exit
elif any(station.startswith("INJ") for station in stationIdsList) and index == len(route)-1:
for successor in self.getNotMachineNodeSuccessorList(stationIdsList):
"""insert this step (successor) to the route
{"stationIdsList": [succecssor],}
# XXX normal components - add ASSM buffer and ASSM after manual operations?
elif index == len(route)-1:
exitAssigned=(station.startswith("ASS") for station in stationIdsList)
if not exitAssigned:
"""insert ASSM buffer to the route
{"stationIdsList": [AssemblyBufferIdsList],}
"""insert ASSM to the route
{"stationIdsList": [AssemblyIdsList],}
# XXX route.insert(indexToInsert, additionalStep)
return data
if __name__ == '__main__':
\ No newline at end of file
from copy import copy
import json
import time
import random
import operator
from datetime import datetime
import copy
from dream.plugins import plugin
class MergeSteps(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin):
""" Input preparation
reads the data from external data base and merges the route steps that constitute on technology step
def preprocess(self, data):
""" merge the steps that constitute one single technology step
orders = data["BOM"]['orders']
for order in orders:
orderComponents = order.get("componentsList", [])
for component in orderComponents:
route = component.get("route", [])
updatedRoute = []
technologySequence = []
idxToMerge = None
for index, step in enumerate(route):
technology = step["technology"]
technology = technology.split("-")[0]
# loadType is always manual for this pilot
step["operationType"] = {"load" : "Manual"}
step["operator"] = {}
# processingType + operator for processing
if step["operator"] == "Automatic"
step["operationType"]["processing"] = "Automatic"
step["operationType"]["processing"] = "Manual"
tempOperator = copy.deepcopy(step["operator"])
step["operator"]["processing"] = [tempOperator],
step["operator"]["load"] = [tempOperator]}
# find out if there is there is any previous step to merge with
if technology == technologySequence[-1]:
if len(route[index-1]["technology"].split("-")):
if route[index-1]["technology"].split("-")[-1]=="SET":
idxToMerge = index-1
idxToMerge = None
# if we must merge two steps
if idxToMerge != None:
# remove the previous step from the updatedRoute and technologySequence
stepToMerge = route[idxToMerge]
# parts needed
step["parts_needed"] = route[idxToMerge]["parts_needed"]
# technology
step["technology"] = technology
# setupTime
if route[idxToMerge]["processingTime"]:
step["setupTime"] = route[idxToMerge]["processingTime"]
# setupType + operator for setup
if route[idxToMerge]["operator"] == "Automatic"
step["operationType"]["setup"] = "Automatic"
step["operationType"]["setup"] = "Manual"
step["operator"]["setup"] = route[idxToMerge]["operator"]
step["operator"]["load"] = route[idxToMerge]["operator"]
# append the (updated) step to the temporary route
# update the route of the step
component["route"] = updatedRoute
return data
if __name__ == '__main__':
\ No newline at end of file
from copy import copy
import json
import time
import random
import operator
from datetime import datetime
import copy
from dream.plugins import plugin
class UpdateStationList(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin):
""" Input preparation
reads the data from external data base and substitutes the technology information with stationIDs lists
def preprocess(self, data):
""" substitutes the technology information with stationIDs lists
orders = data["BOM"]['orders']
stations = data["BOM"]['stations']
nodes = data["graph"]["node"]
for order in orders:
orderComponents = order.get("componentsList", [])
for component in orderComponents:
route = component.get("route", [])
for index, step in enumerate(route):
technology = step.pop("technology", None)
technology = technology.split("-")[0]
technologyStations = []
for station in stations:
if station.startswith(technology):
found = False # check that the id of the station provided by the db BOM exist in the nodes of the graph
for node in nodes:
if node["id"] == station:
found = True
assert found == True, "the station ids in the DB must be the same with the stations ids provided by the model"
assert len(technologyStations)>0, "the stations corresponding to the defined technology must be more than 0"
step["stationIdsList"] = technologyStations
return data
if __name__ == '__main__':
\ No newline at end of file
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