Commit 7765135f authored by Ioannis Papagiannopoulos's avatar Ioannis Papagiannopoulos Committed by Jérome Perrin

Machine-canAccept/AndIsRequested check for Setup or Load type corrected....

Machine-canAccept/AndIsRequested check for Setup or Load type corrected. Update of postProcessingMethod to take setup/loadTimes into account
parent 0f903888
......@@ -205,7 +205,8 @@ class Machine(CoreObject):
# ======= release a resource if the only operation type is Load
if (self.operatorPool!="None")\
and any(type=="Load" for type in self.multOperationTypeList)\
and not any(type=="Processing" or type=="Setup" for type in self.multOperationTypeList)\
and not (any(type=="Processing" for type in self.multOperationTypeList)\
or any(type=="Setup" for type in self.multOperationTypeList))\
and self.isOperated():
# after getting the entity release the operator
# machine has to release the operator
......@@ -224,7 +225,8 @@ class Machine(CoreObject):
# ======= request a resource if it is not already assigned an Operator
and any(type=="Processing" or type=="Setup" for type in self.multOperationTypeList)\
and (any(type=="Processing" for type in self.multOperationTypeList)\
or any(type=="Setup" for type in self.multOperationTypeList))\
and not self.isOperated():
# when it's ready to accept (canAcceptAndIsRequested) then inform the broker
# machines waits to be operated (waits for the operator)
......@@ -253,7 +255,8 @@ class Machine(CoreObject):
# ======= release a resource if the only operation type is Setup
if (self.operatorPool!="None")\
and self.isOperated()\
and any(type=="Setup" or type=="Load" for type in self.multOperationTypeList)\
and (any(type=="Setup" for type in self.multOperationTypeList)\
or any(type=="Load" for type in self.multOperationTypeList))\
and not any(type=="Processing" for type in self.multOperationTypeList):
# after getting the entity release the operator
# machine has to release the operator
......@@ -414,7 +417,8 @@ class Machine(CoreObject):
# this is done to achieve better (cpu) processing time
# then we can also use it as a filter for a yield method
if(len(activeObject.previous)==1 or callerObject==None):
if (activeObject.operatorPool!='None' and any(type=='Load' or 'Setup' for type in activeObject.multOperationTypeList)):
if (activeObject.operatorPool!='None' and (any(type=='Load' for type in activeObject.multOperationTypeList)\
or any(type=='Setup' for type in activeObject.multOperationTypeList))):
return activeObject.operatorPool.checkIfResourceIsAvailable()\
and activeObject.Up\
and len(activeObjectQueue)<activeObject.capacity
......@@ -424,7 +428,8 @@ class Machine(CoreObject):
# return True ONLY if the length of the activeOjbectQue is smaller than
# the object capacity, and the callerObject is not None but the giverObject
if (activeObject.operatorPool!='None' and any(type=='Load' or 'Setup' for type in activeObject.multOperationTypeList)):
if (activeObject.operatorPool!='None' and (any(type=='Load' for type in activeObject.multOperationTypeList)\
or any(type=='Setup' for type in activeObject.multOperationTypeList))):
return activeObject.operatorPool.checkIfResourceIsAvailable()\
and activeObject.Up\
and len(activeObjectQueue)<activeObject.capacity
......@@ -454,7 +459,8 @@ class Machine(CoreObject):
# if not then the machine has to block the predecessor giverObject to avoid conflicts
# with other competing machines
if (activeObject.operatorPool!='None' and any(type=='Load' or 'Setup' for type in activeObject.multOperationTypeList)):
if (activeObject.operatorPool!='None' and (any(type=='Load' for type in activeObject.multOperationTypeList)\
or any(type=='Setup' for type in activeObject.multOperationTypeList))):
if activeObject.operatorPool.checkIfResourceIsAvailable()\
and activeObject.Up and len(activeObjectQueue)<activeObject.capacity\
and giverObject.haveToDispose(activeObject) and not giverObject.exitIsAssigned():
......@@ -494,7 +500,8 @@ class Machine(CoreObject):
activeObject.giver=object # set the giver
if (activeObject.operatorPool!='None' and any(type=='Load' or 'Setup' for type in activeObject.multOperationTypeList)):
if (activeObject.operatorPool!='None' and (any(type=='Load' for type in activeObject.multOperationTypeList)\
or any(type=='Setup' for type in activeObject.multOperationTypeList))):
if activeObject.operatorPool.checkIfResourceIsAvailable()\
and activeObject.Up and len(activeObjectQueue)<activeObject.capacity\
and isRequested and not activeObject.giver.exitIsAssigned():
......@@ -666,7 +673,7 @@ class Machine(CoreObject):
#Machine was idle when it was not in any other state
if activeObject.totalBlockageTime<0 and activeObject.totalBlockageTime>-0.00001: #to avoid some effects of getting negative cause of rounding precision
......@@ -769,11 +776,16 @@ class Machine(CoreObject):
if any(type=='Setup' for type in self.multOperationTypeList):
if any(type=='Load' for type in self.multOperationTypeList):
else: #if we had multiple replications we output confidence intervals to excel
#for some outputs the results may be the same for each run (eg model is stochastic but failures fixed
#so failurePortion will be exactly the same in each run). That will give 0 variability and errors.
#so for each output value we check if there was difference in the runs' results
#if yes we output the Confidence Intervals. if not we output just the fix value
#if yes we output the Confidence Intervals. if not we output just the fix value
# TODO: update the following with the setup- and load- times
json['_class'] = 'Dream.Machine';
json['id'] = str(
......@@ -89,7 +89,8 @@ class MachineJobShop(Machine):
if in activeEntity.remainingRoute[0].get('stationIdsList',[]):
#return according to the state of the Queue
# also check if (if the machine is to be operated) there are available operators
if (activeObject.operatorPool!='None' and any(type=='Load' or 'Setup' for type in activeObject.multOperationTypeList)):
if (activeObject.operatorPool!='None' and (any(type=='Load' for type in activeObject.multOperationTypeList)\
or any(type=='Setup' for type in activeObject.multOperationTypeList))):
return activeObject.operatorPool.checkIfResourceIsAvailable()\
and len(activeObject.getActiveObjectQueue())<activeObject.capacity\
and activeObject.Up
......@@ -294,7 +294,8 @@ class MouldAssembly(MachinePreemptive):
if in activeEntity.remainingRoute[0].get('stationIdsList',[]):
#return according to the state of the Queue
# check if (if the machine is to be operated) there are available operators
if (activeObject.operatorPool!='None' and any(type=='Load' or 'Setup' for type in activeObject.multOperationTypeList)):
if (activeObject.operatorPool!='None' and (any(type=='Load' for type in activeObject.multOperationTypeList)\
or any(type=='Setup' for type in activeObject.multOperationTypeList))):
return activeObject.operatorPool.checkIfResourceIsAvailable()\
and len(activeObject.getActiveObjectQueue())==0\
and activeObject.Up
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