setWip updates the pendingEntities list and sets the hot flag of entity...

setWip updates the pendingEntities list and sets the hot flag of entity according to the type of the currentStation of the entity
parent ac748351
......@@ -132,7 +132,9 @@ def setWIP(entityList):
object=entity.currentStation #identify the object
object.getActiveObjectQueue().append(entity) #append the entity to its Queue
entity.schedule.append([object,now()]) #append the time to schedule so that it can be read in the result
# if the entity is of type Job/OrderComponent/Order
# if the entity is of type Job/OrderComponent/Order/Mould
elif entity.type=='Job' or 'OrderComponent' or 'Order' or 'Mould':
# find the list of starting station of the entity
......@@ -164,6 +166,21 @@ def setWIP(entityList):
entity.remainingRoute.pop(0) # remove data from the remaining route.
entity.schedule.append([object,now()]) #append the time to schedule so that it can be read in the result
entity.currentStation=object # update the current station of the entity
# if the currentStation of the entity is of type Machine then the entity
# must be processed first and then added to the pendingEntities list
# Its hot flag is not raised
if not (entity.currentStation in G.MachineList):
# variable to inform whether the successors are machines or not
for nextObject in
if not nextObject in G.MachineList:
if not successorsAreMachines: = False
# add the entity to the pendingEntities list
def countIntervalThroughput(argumentDict={}):
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class OrderComponent(Job): # inherits from the
# variables to be used by OperatorRouter
if self.order in G.pendingEntities:
# TODO: isCritical argument is deprecated
# self.isCritical=isCritical # this should be self.order.isCritical. Added now for testing
self.componentType = componentType # the type of the component which can be Basic/Secondary/Auxiliary
......@@ -67,5 +67,4 @@ class OrderComponent(Job): # inherits from the
self.requestingComponent = requestingComponent # the id of the requesting component
self.readyForAssembly = readyForAssembly # flag informing weather the component was received
# by the MouldAssembleBuffer
# variables that are used by OperatorRouter
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -109,7 +109,6 @@ class QueueJobShop(Queue):
# append only if not already in the list
if nextObject not in
# TODO: if the successor of the object is a machine that is operated with operationType 'Load'
# then the flag hot of the activeEntity must be set to True
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