redundant check for operator removed from MachineManagedJob

parent bd8f3e41
......@@ -151,13 +151,10 @@ class MachineManagedJob(MachineJobShop):
# the operator doesn't have to be present for the loading of the machine as the load operation
# is not assigned to operators
if activeObject.Up and len(activeObjectQueue)<activeObject.capacity and isRequested\
and self.checkOperator():
# update entityToGet
return activeObject.Up and len(activeObjectQueue)<activeObject.capacity and isRequested\
and self.checkOperator()
# return activeObject.Up and len(activeObjectQueue)<activeObject.capacity and isRequested
if activeObject.Up and len(activeObjectQueue)<activeObject.capacity and isRequested:
# update entityToGet
return activeObject.Up and len(activeObjectQueue)<activeObject.capacity and isRequested
# while if the set up is performed before the (automatic) loading of the machine then the availability of the
# operator is requested
# return (activeObject.operatorPool=='None' or activeObject.operatorPool.checkIfResourceIsAvailable())\
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