if a WIP component is in DESIGN route steps, the it is renamed to the...

if a WIP component is in DESIGN route steps, the it is renamed to the corresponding orderDesign part
parent 66fec197
from copy import copy
from dream.plugins import plugin
from dream.plugins import SplitRoute
import datetime
MACHINE_TYPE_SET = set(["Dream.MachineJobShop", "Dream.MouldAssembly"])
class UpdateWIP(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin):
class UpdateWIP(SplitRoute.SplitRoute):
""" Input preparation
reads the data from external data base and updates the WIP
......@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ class UpdateWIP(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin):
All the components defined by the corresponding orders should be examined
wipToBeRemoved = []
designsToBeReplaced = [] # list used to hold the designID that are in the WIP and need to change key (id) as the current one correspond to the molds ids
# # check all the orders
for order in orders:
orderComponents = order.get("componentsList", [])
......@@ -47,20 +49,34 @@ class UpdateWIP(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin):
assert len(route)>0, "the OrderComponent must have a route defined with length more than 0"
assert task_id, "there must be a task_id defined for the OrderComponent in the WIP"
# # get the step identified by task_id, hold the step_index to see if the entity's route is concluded
last_step = {}
for step_index, step in enumerate(route):
if step["task_id"] == task_id:
if step["task_id"] == task_id and step.get("technology", None):
last_step = step
# # check if the entity has left the station
toBeRemoved = False
if remainingProcessingTime:
currentStation = workStation
current_step = last_step
# if the current step is part of a design route then the current WIP must be removed and replaced by a similar with the Design name
for tech in self.DESIGN_ROUTE_STEPS_SET:
if work.get("station", None).startswith(tech):
toBeRemoved = True
# the entity is in a buffer if the step_index is no larger than the length of the route
elif len(route)-1>=step_index:
current_step = route[step_index+1]
currentStation = current_step["stationIdsList"][0]
# the entity has concluded it's route; it should be removed from the WIP
elif len(route)-1 > step_index:
'''if the step is OrderDecomposition then the design has concluded its route'''
if any(station.startswith("OD") for station in route[step_index+1]["stationIdsList"]):
toBeRemoved = True
current_step = route[step_index+1]
currentStation = current_step["stationIdsList"][0]
# if it has concluded the last step
toBeRemoved = True
# the entity has concluded it's route; it should be removed from the WIP
if toBeRemoved:
# # check if this part is a design and update the flag
if any(station.startswith("OD") for station in route[-1]["stationIdsList"]):
......@@ -82,31 +98,33 @@ class UpdateWIP(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin):
componentID = component["id"]
route = component["route"]
if not componentID in self.getWIPIds():
insertWIPitem = False
insertWIPitem = [False, None] # first is the flag that shows if the component should be inserted to the WIP, the second one shows which step of it's route should be initiated
# # if the design is complete
if designComplete:
# # if the component is not a mould then put in the first step of its route
# # if the component is not a mould then put in the second step of its route (the first is OrderDecomposition - it shouldn't be there)
if not any(station.startswith("E") for station in route[-1]["stationIdsList"]):
insertWIPitem = True
insertWIPitem = [True, 1]
# # if the design is not complete
# # if the component is design then put it at the start of its route
# # if the component is design then put it at the start of its route (the start of it's route is QCAD - it should be placed there)
if any(station.startswith("OD") for station in route[-1]["stationIdsList"]):
insertWIPitem = True
insertWIPitem = [True, 0]
# # if the completed components include all the components (exclude mould and design)
if len(completedComponents) == len(orderComponents)-2:
# # if the component is a mould then put it in the first step of it's route
# # if the component is a mould then put it in the first step of it's route (the first step of it's route is Assembly, it should be there)
if any(station.startswith("E") for station in route[-1]["stationIdsList"]):
insertWIPitem = True
insertWIPitem = True [True, 0]
if insertWIPitem:
if insertWIPitem[0]:
if not wip.get(componentID, {}):
wip[componentID] = {}
wip[componentID]["station"] = route[0]["stationIdsList"][0]
wip[componentID]["sequence"] = route[0]["sequence"]
wip[componentID]["task_id"] = route[0]["task_id"]
wip[componentID]["station"] = route[insertWIPitem[1]]["stationIdsList"][0]
wip[componentID]["sequence"] = route[insertWIPitem[1]]["sequence"]
wip[componentID]["task_id"] = route[insertWIPitem[1]]["task_id"]
# remove the idle entities
for entityID in wipToBeRemoved:
if entityID in designsToBeReplaced:
wip[entityID+"_D"] = wip[entityID]
assert wip.pop(entityID, None), "while trying to remove WIP that has concluded it's route, nothing is removed"
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