Commit daa3c284 authored by panos's avatar panos

JSON file ammended to follow the JSON schema

parent 456c2400
{ {
"_class": "Dream.Simulation", "graph": {
"edges": { "node": {
"0": [ "DummyQ": {
"W1", "_class": "Dream.Queue",
"M1", "capacity": 1,
{} "isDummy": "1",
], "left": 0.639751552795031,
"1": [ "name": "DummyQ",
"W1", "top": 0.7720588235294118
"M2", },
{} "E1": {
], "_class": "Dream.Exit",
"2": [ "left": 0.40993788819875776,
"S1", "name": "Stock",
"DummyQ", "top": 0.04656862745098034
{} },
], "M1": {
"3": [ "_class": "Dream.Machine",
"M1", "left": 0.6335403726708074,
"E1", "name": "MILL1",
{} "interruptions": {
], "failure": {
"4": [ "TTR": {
"E1", },
{} "TTF": {
], }
"5": [ },
"DummyQ", "repairman": "W1"
"Q1", },
{} "processingTime": {},
], "top": 0.40931372549019607
"6": [ },
"Q1", "M2": {
"M1", "_class": "Dream.Machine",
{} "interruptions": {
], "failure": {
"7": [ "TTR": {
"Q1", },
"M2", "TTF": {
{} }
] },
}, "repairman": "W1"
"general": {
"_class": "Dream.Configuration",
"confidenceLevel": "0.95",
"maxSimTime": "1440",
"numberOfReplications": "1",
"trace": "No"
"nodes": {
"DummyQ": {
"_class": "Dream.Queue",
"capacity": 1,
"isDummy": "1",
"left": 0.639751552795031,
"name": "DummyQ",
"top": 0.7720588235294118
"E1": {
"_class": "Dream.Exit",
"left": 0.40993788819875776,
"name": "Stock",
"top": 0.04656862745098034
"M1": {
"_class": "Dream.Machine",
"left": 0.6335403726708074,
"name": "MILL1",
"failures": {
"MTTF": {
}, },
"MTTR": { "left": 0.1863354037267081,
"name": "MILL2",
} , "processingTime": {},
"repairman": "W1" "top": 0.40931372549019607
}, },
"processingTime": { "Q1": {
"_class": "Dream.Queue",
"capacity": 1,
"isDummy": "0",
"left": 0.639751552795031,
"name": "Q1",
"top": 0.5906862745098039
}, },
"top": 0.40931372549019607 "S1": {
}, "_class": "Dream.Source",
"M2": { "entity": "Dream.Part",
"_class": "Dream.Machine", "interarrivalTime": {
"failures": { "Fixed": {
"MTTF": { "mean": 0.5
}, },
"MTTR": { "left": 0.639751552795031,
"name": "Raw Material",
} , "top": 0.9534313725490196
"repairman": "W1" },
"W1": {
"_class": "Dream.Repairman",
"capacity": 1,
"left": 0.18012422360248448,
"name": "W1",
"top": 0.5906862745098039
"edge": {
"0": {
"source": "W1",
"destination": "M1",
"data": {},
"_class": "Dream.Edge"
}, },
"left": 0.1863354037267081, "1": {
"name": "MILL2", "source": "W1",
"processingTime": { "destination": "M2",
"data": {},
"_class": "Dream.Edge"
}, },
"top": 0.40931372549019607 "2": {
}, "source": "S1",
"Q1": { "destination": "DummyQ",
"_class": "Dream.Queue", "data": {},
"capacity": 1, "_class": "Dream.Edge"
"isDummy": "0",
"left": 0.639751552795031,
"name": "Q1",
"top": 0.5906862745098039
"S1": {
"_class": "Dream.Source",
"entity": "Dream.Part",
"interarrivalTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 0.5
}, },
"left": 0.639751552795031, "3": {
"name": "Raw Material", "source": "M1",
"top": 0.9534313725490196 "destination": "E1",
}, "data": {},
"W1": { "_class": "Dream.Edge"
"_class": "Dream.Repairman", },
"capacity": 1, "4": {
"left": 0.18012422360248448, "source": "DummyQ",
"name": "W1", "destination": "Q1",
"top": 0.5906862745098039 "data": {},
"_class": "Dream.Edge"
"5": {
"source": "M2",
"destination": "E1",
"data": {},
"_class": "Dream.Edge"
"6": {
"source": "Q1",
"destination": "M1",
"data": {},
"_class": "Dream.Edge"
"7": {
"source": "Q1",
"destination": "M2",
"data": {},
"_class": "Dream.Edge"
} }
"_class": "Dream.Simulation",
"general": {
"confidenceLevel": "0.95",
"maxSimTime": "1440",
"numberOfReplications": "1",
"trace": "No"
} }
} }
\ No newline at end of file
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