Commit e2da885b authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

ACO as an execution plugin

parent 9ee95845
from dream.plugins import plugin
from pprint import pformat
from copy import copy
import json
import time
import random
import operator
import xmlrpclib
from dream.simulation.Queue import Queue
from dream.simulation.Globals import getClassFromName
class ACO(plugin.ExecutionPlugin):
def _calculateAntScore(self, ant):
"""Calculate the score of this ant.
totalDelay=0 #set the total delay to 0
result, = ant['result']['result_list'] #read the result as JSON
#loop through the elements
for element in result['elementList']:
elementClass=element['_class'] #get the class
#id the class is Job
if elementClass=='Dream.Job':
delay = float(results.get('delay', "0"))
# A negative delay would mean we are ahead of schedule. This
# should not be considered better than being on time.
totalDelay += max(delay, 0)
return totalDelay
def run(self, data):
"""Preprocess the data.
""""run: %s " % (pformat(data)))
distributor_url = data['general'].get('distributorURL')
distributor = None
if distributor_url:
distributor = xmlrpclib.Server(distributor_url)
tested_ants = set()
start = time.time() # start counting execution time
# the list of options collated into a dictionary for ease of referencing in
# ManPy
collated = dict()
for node_id, node in data['graph']['node'].items():
node_class = getClassFromName(node['_class'])
if issubclass(node_class, Queue):
collated[node_id] = list(node_class.getSupportedSchedulingRules())
assert collated
max_results = data['general']['numberOfSolutions']
ants = [] #list of ants for keeping track of their performance
# Number of times new ants are to be created, i.e. number of generations (a
# generation can have more than 1 ant)
for i in range(data["general"]["numberOfGenerations"]):
scenario_list = [] # for the distributor
# number of ants created per generation
for j in range(data["general"]["numberOfAntsPerGenerations"]):
# an ant dictionary to contain rule to queue assignment information
ant = {}
# for each of the machines, rules are randomly picked from the
# options list
for k in collated.keys():
ant[k] = random.choice(collated[k])
# TODO: function to calculate ant id. Store ant id in ant dict
ant_key = repr(ant)
# if the ant was not already tested, only then test it
if ant_key not in tested_ants:
# set scheduling rule on queues based on ant data
ant_data = copy(data)
for k, v in ant.items():
ant_data["graph"]["node"][k]['schedulingRule'] = v
ant['key'] = ant_key
ant['input'] = ant_data
if distributor is None:
# synchronous
for ant in scenario_list:
ant['result'] = self.runOneScenario(ant['input'])['result']
else: # asynchronous
job_id = distributor.requestSimulationRun(
[json.dumps(x) for x in scenario_list])"Job registered: %s" % job_id)
while True:
result_list = distributor.getJobResult(job_id)
# The distributor returns None when calculation is still ongoing,
# or the list of result in the same order.
if result_list is not None:"Job %s terminated" % job_id)
for ant, result in zip(scenario_list, result_list):
ant['result'] = json.loads(result)['result']
for ant in scenario_list:
ant['score'] = self._calculateAntScore(ant)
# remove ants that outputs the same schedules
# XXX we in fact remove ands that produce the same output json
ants_without_duplicates = dict()
for ant in ants:
ant_result, = copy(ant['result']['result_list'])
ant_result['general'].pop('totalExecutionTime', None)
ant_result = json.dumps(ant_result, sort_keys=True)
ants_without_duplicates[ant_result] = ant
# The ants in this generation are ranked based on their scores and the
# best (max_results) are selected
ants = sorted(ants_without_duplicates.values(),
for l in ants:
# update the options list to ensure that good performing queue-rule
# combinations have increased representation and good chance of
# being selected in the next generation
for m in collated.keys():
# e.g. if using EDD gave good performance for Q1, then another
# 'EDD' is added to Q1 so there is a higher chance that it is
# selected by the next ants.
data['result']['result_list'] = result_list = []
for ant in ants:
result, = ant['result']['result_list']
result['score'] = ant['score']
result['key'] = ant['key']
print data['result']['result_list']"ACO finished, execution time %0.2fs" % (time.time() - start))
return data
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