• Jérome Perrin's avatar
    payroll_l10n_fr: add missing sorts in DSN report · ec835d86
    Jérome Perrin authored
    When producing DSN report, there was a few places where we depended on
    dict iteration order, so the test did not pass when running with
    PYTHONHASHSEED (erp5_payroll_l10n_fr:testDSNSocialDeclarationReport
    fails with PYTHONHASHSEED 323). In these changes we add sorts to some
    places where we were iterating on dicts so that the order of the Lines
    is deterministic even with hash randomization enabled.
    Co-authored-by: Nicolas Wavrant's avatarNicolas Wavrant <nicolas.wavrant@nexedi.com>
test_model.dsn.bin 12.8 KB