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Commit 13e0b85f authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

Remove old duplicated implementation of sending email

parent 4dad33bd
......@@ -564,179 +564,6 @@ class EmailDocument(TextDocument):
content_information = self.getContentInformation()
return content_information.get('Return-Path', content_information.get('From'))
security.declareProtected(Permissions.UseMailhostServices, 'send')
def send(self, from_url=None, to_url=None, reply_url=None, subject=None,
body=None, attachment_format=None, attachment_list=None, download=False):
Sends the current event content by email. If documents are
attached through the aggregate category, enclose them.
XXX - needs to be unified with Event methods
from_url - the sender of this email. If not provided
we will use source to find a valid
email address
to_url - the recipients of this email. If not provided
we will use destination category to
find a list of valid email addresses
reply_url - the email address to reply to. If nothing
is provided, use the email defined in
subject - a custom title. If not provided, we will use
body - a body message If not provided, we will
use the text representation of the event
as body (UTF-8)
attachment_list -- list of dictionary which contains raw data and
name and mimetype for attachment.
See NotificationTool.buildEmailMessage.
attachment_format - defines an option format
to convet attachments to (ex. application/pdf)
download - if set to True returns, the message online
rather than sending it.
TODO: support conversion to base format and use
base format rather than original format
TODO2: consider turning this method into a general method for
any ERP5 document.
if not _checkPermission(Permissions.View, self):
raise Unauthorized
additional_headers = {}
# Build mail message
# This part will be replaced with MailTemplate soon.
if body is None:
body = self.asText()
# Subject
if subject is None:
subject = self.getTitle()
# From
if from_url is None:
sender = self.getSourceValue()
if sender is not None:
from_url = formataddr((sender.getTitle(),
from_url = self.getSender() # Access sender directly
# Return-Path
if reply_url is None:
reply_url = self.portal_preferences.getPreferredEventSenderEmail()
if reply_url:
additional_headers['Return-Path'] = reply_url
# Reply-To
destination_reference = self.getDestinationReference()
if destination_reference is not None:
additional_headers['In-Reply-To'] = destination_reference
# To (multiple)
to_url_list = set()
to_email_list = []
if to_url is None:
for recipient in self.getDestinationValueList():
email = recipient.getDefaultEmailText()
if email:
if email not in to_email_list:
to_url_list.add(formataddr((recipient.getTitle(), email)))
raise ValueError, 'Recipient %s has no defined email' % recipient
if not to_url_list:
elif type(to_url) in types.StringTypes:
# Attachments
if attachment_list is None:
attachment_list = []
document_type_list = self.getPortalDocumentTypeList()
embedded_attachment_list = []
for attachment in self.getAggregateValueList():
mime_type = None
content = None
name = None
if not attachment.getPortalType() in document_type_list:
mime_type = 'application/pdf'
content = attachment.asPDF() # XXX - Not implemented yet
# Document type attachment
# WARNING - this could fail since getContentType
# is not (yet) part of Document API
if getattr(attachment, 'getContentType', None) is not None:
mime_type = attachment.getContentType()
raise ValueError, "Cannot find mimetype of the document."
if mime_type is not None:
mime_type, content = attachment.convert(mime_type)
except ConversionError:
mime_type = attachment.getBaseContentType()
content = attachment.getBaseData()
except (NotImplementedError, MimeTypeException):
if content is None:
if getattr(attachment, 'getTextContent', None) is not None:
content = attachment.getTextContent()
elif getattr(attachment, 'getData', None) is not None:
content = attachment.getData()
elif getattr(attachment, 'getBaseData', None) is not None:
content = attachment.getBaseData()
if not isinstance(content, str):
content = str(content)
mail_message = None
for to_url in to_url_list:
mime_message = buildEmailMessage(from_url=from_url, to_url=to_url,
msg=body, subject=subject,
attachment_list=(attachment_list + embedded_attachment_list),
mail_message = mime_message.as_string()
# Save one of mail messages.
if mail_message is not None:
if len(embedded_attachment_list):
# do not store aggregated documents in Email document
# to avoid duplicate data
tmp_mime_message = buildEmailMessage(from_url=from_url, to_url=to_url,
msg=body, subject=subject,
tmp_mail_message = mime_message.as_string()
# Only for debugging purpose
if download:
return mail_message
security.declareProtected(Permissions.UseMailhostServices, 'sendMailHostMessage')
def sendMailHostMessage(self, message):
......@@ -163,10 +163,8 @@ class Event(Movement, EmailDocument, AcknowledgeableMixin):
send_script = self._getTypeBasedMethod('send')
if send_script is None:
return Event.inheritedAttribute('send')(
self, from_url, to_url, reply_url, subject, body, attachment_format,
attachment_list, download
raise NotImplementedError("`send` type based method not found. "
"Please update erp5_base and erp5_crm")
return send_script(
from_url, to_url, reply_url, subject, body, attachment_format, attachment_list,
download, **kw
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