Commit 673b6499 authored by Aurel's avatar Aurel Committed by Kazuhiko Shiozaki

the stop date is set to None with 1970,1,1 with new DateTime

parent a2f8e160
......@@ -1916,7 +1916,8 @@ class Base_getDialogSectionCategoryItemListTest(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def test_only_valid_assignments_are_considered(self):
self.person.newContent(portal_type='Assignment', group='main_group/sub_group').open()
self.person.newContent(portal_type='Assignment', group='main_group', stop_date=DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).open()
# XXX If set on 1970.1.1, the stop_date is None with new DateTime
self.person.newContent(portal_type='Assignment', group='main_group', stop_date=DateTime(1970, 1, 2)).open()
self.person.newContent(portal_type='Assignment', group='main_group') # left as draft
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