Commit 9725ab06 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

py2/py3: more six.moves.UserDict

because every test run use a different instance of the class, I think
we don't need to clear() here.

using clear causes:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/slapgrid/slappart7/t/ean/soft/3216c6675c8ec7c75ba48e3939c44a66/eggs/Zope-4.8.7-py3.9.egg/Testing/ZopeTestCase/", line 100, in tearDown
  File "<portal_components/test.erp5.testTradeModelLine>", line 106, in beforeTearDown
  File "/srv/slapgrid/slappart7/t/ean/shared/python3/25c3b9e7a12e170bd030a475160ea994/lib/python3.9/", line 929, in clear
  File "/srv/slapgrid/slappart7/t/ean/shared/python3/25c3b9e7a12e170bd030a475160ea994/lib/python3.9/", line 918, in popitem
    key = next(iter(self))
  File "<portal_components/test.erp5.testTradeModelLine>", line 66, in __iter__

... because unittest.TestCase should not have an __iter__ method
parent 1000cc73
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
from UserDict import UserDict
from six.moves import UserDict
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
from UserDict import UserDict
from six.moves import UserDict
import random
import unittest
from unittest import expectedFailure
......@@ -61,6 +61,10 @@ class TestTradeModelLineMixin(TestBPMMixin, UserDict):
order_date = DateTime()
amount_generator_line_portal_type = 'Trade Model Line'
# XXX so that unittest.suite._isnotsuite return False
def __iter__(self):
raise TypeError()
def setBaseAmountQuantityMethod(self, base_amount_id, text):
"""Populate TradeModelLine_getBaseAmountQuantityMethod shared script
......@@ -98,10 +102,6 @@ class TestTradeModelLineMixin(TestBPMMixin, UserDict):
return super(TestTradeModelLineMixin, self).afterSetUp()
def beforeTearDown(self):
return super(TestTradeModelLineMixin, self).beforeTearDown()
def clone(self, document):
parent = document.getParentValue()
clone, = parent.manage_pasteObjects(
......@@ -114,13 +114,13 @@ CREATE TABLE %s (
active_process_uid = m.active_process_uid
date = m.activity_kw.get('at_date')
row = ','.join((
'@uid+%s' % i,
b'@uid+%s' % i,
'NULL' if active_process_uid is None else str(active_process_uid),
"UTC_TIMESTAMP(6)" if date is None else quote(render_datetime(date)),
b'NULL' if active_process_uid is None else str(active_process_uid),
b"UTC_TIMESTAMP(6)" if date is None else quote(render_datetime(date)),
'-1' if hasDependency(m) else '0',
str(m.activity_kw.get('priority', 1)),
b'-1' if hasDependency(m) else b'0',
bytes(m.activity_kw.get('priority', 1)),
quote(m.activity_kw.get('tag', '')),
quote(m.activity_kw.get('signature', '')),
......@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ CREATE TABLE %s (
m = Message.load(line.message, uid=uid, line=line)
# Select duplicates.
result = db.query("SELECT uid FROM message_job"
result = db.query(b"SELECT uid FROM message_job"
" WHERE processing_node = 0 AND path = %s AND signature = %s"
" AND method_id = %s AND group_method_id = %s FOR UPDATE" % (
quote(path), quote(line.signature),
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