xhtml_style: fix invisible cursor in textarea with chrome

With chrome ( 85.0.4183.108 but I think it appears a few weeks/months ago )
when using erp5_xhtml_style when the cursor in the first column on the left
it's not visible, because the bold background hides it.

Default user agent spreadsheet is a 2px padding, but we have a rule applying a
padding 0 for all textarea. Revert this rule for textarea used as fields in


## before:

The cursor is in *Description* field, left to "This style is ..." but cannot be seen.


## after:

The cursor is same location (*Description* field, left to "This style is ...") and this time is visible.


See merge request !1280
4 jobs for feat/support_request_crm_translation in 0 seconds
Status Job ID Name Coverage
passed ERP5.CodingStyleTest-Master

passed ERP5.UnitTest-Master

failed ERP5.UnitTest-Master.Medusa

passed SlapOS.Eggs.UnitTest-Master.Python2
