Commit dc34350d authored by Juliusz Chroboczek's avatar Juliusz Chroboczek

Complete parsing of WHIP candidates.

parent be2d3ab4
......@@ -193,17 +193,7 @@ func (c *WhipClient) gotOffer(ctx context.Context, offer []byte) ([]byte, error)
return []byte(conn.pc.CurrentLocalDescription().SDP), nil
func (c *WhipClient) GotICECandidate(candidate, ufrag []byte) error {
zero := uint16(0)
init := webrtc.ICECandidateInit{
Candidate: string(candidate),
SDPMLineIndex: &zero,
if ufrag != nil {
u := string(ufrag)
init.UsernameFragment = &u
func (c *WhipClient) GotICECandidate(init webrtc.ICECandidateInit) error {
if c.connection == nil {
......@@ -316,18 +316,37 @@ func whipResourceHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// RFC 8840
lines := bytes.Split(body, []byte{'\n'})
var ufrag []byte
mLineIndex := -1
var mid, ufrag []byte
for _, l := range lines {
l = bytes.TrimRight(l, " \r")
if bytes.HasPrefix(l, []byte("a=ice-ufrag:")) {
ufrag = l[len("a=ice-ufrag:"):]
} else if bytes.HasPrefix(l, []byte("m=")) {
mid = nil
} else if bytes.HasPrefix(l, []byte("a=mid:")) {
mid = l[len("a=mid:"):]
} else if bytes.HasPrefix(l, []byte("a=candidate:")) {
err := c.GotICECandidate(l[2:], ufrag)
init := webrtc.ICECandidateInit{
Candidate: string(l[2:]),
if len(mid) > 0 {
s := string(mid)
init.SDPMid = &s
if mLineIndex >= 0 {
i := uint16(mLineIndex)
init.SDPMLineIndex = &i
if len(ufrag) > 0 {
s := string(ufrag)
init.UsernameFragment = &s
err := c.GotICECandidate(init)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("WHIP candidate: %v", err)
} else if bytes.Equal(l, []byte("a=end-of-candidates")) {
c.GotICECandidate(nil, ufrag)
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