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v7.14.0 (unreleased)
  - Truncate commit messages after subject line in table
  - Adjust CI config to support Docker executors
  - Added Application Settings
  - Randomize test database for CI tests
  - Make YAML validation stricter
  - Use avatars received from GitLab
  - Refactor GitLab API usage to use either access_token or private_token depending on what was specified during login
  - Allow to use access_token for API requests
  - Fix project API listing returning empty list when first projects are not added to CI
  - Allow to define variables from YAML
  - Added support for CI skipped status
  - Fix broken yaml error saving
  - Add committed_at to commits to properly order last commit (the force push issue)
  - Rename type(s) to stage(s)
  - Fix navigation icons
  - Add missing stage when doing retry
  - Require variable keys to be not-empty and unique
  - Fix variable saving issue
  - Display variable saving errors in variables page not the project's
  - Added Build Triggers API
  - Fix: user could steal specific runner
  - Fix: don't send notifications for jobs with allow_failure set
  - Fix invalid link to

  - Fix inline edit runner-description
  - Allow to specify image and services in yml that can be used with docker
  - Fix: No runner notification can see managers only
  - Fix service testing for slack
  - Ability to cancel all builds in commit at once
  - Disable colors in rake tasks automatically (if IO is not a TTY)
  - Implemented "rake env:info". Rake task to receive system information
  - Fix coverage calculation on commit page
  - Enhance YAML validation
  - Redirect back after authorization
  - Change favicon
  - Refactoring: Get rid of private_token usage in the frontend.
  - Allow to specify allow_failure for job
  - Build traces is stored in the file instead of database
  - Make the builds path configurable
  - Disable link to runner if it's not assigned to specific project
  - Store all secrets in config/secrets.yml
  - Encrypt variables
  - Allow to specify flexible list of types in yaml

  - Revert: Runner without tag should pick builds without tag only

  - Runner without tag should pick builds without tag only
  - Explicit error in the GitLab when commit not found.
  - Fix: lint with relative subpath
  - Update webhook example
  - Improved Lint stability
  - Add warning when .gitlab-ci.yml not found
  - Improved validation for .gitlab-ci.yml
  - Fix list of branches in only section
  - Fix "Status Badge" button

  - Endless scroll on the dashboard
  - Add notification if there are no runners
  - Fix pagination on dashboard
  - Remove ID column from runners list in the admin area
  - Increase default timeout for builds to 60 minutes
  - Using .gitlab-ci.yml file instead of jobs
  - Link to the runner from the build page for admin user
  - Ability to set secret variables for runner
  - Dont retry build when push same commit in same ref twice
  - Admin area: show amount of runners with last contact less than a minute ago
  - Fix re-adding project with the same name but different gitlab_id
  - Implementation of Lint (.gitlab-ci.yml validation tool)
  - Updated rails to 4.1.11
  - API fix: project create call
  - Link to web-editor with .gitlab-ci.yml
  - Updated examples in the documentation

  - Deploy Jobs API calls
  - Projects search on dashboard page
  - Improved runners page
  - Running and Pending tabs on admin builds page
  - Fix [ci skip] tag, so you can skip CI triggering now
  - Add HipChat notifications
  - Clean up project advanced settings.
  - Add a GitLab project path parameter to the project API
  - Remove projects IDs from dashboard
  - UI fix: Remove page headers from the admin area
  - Improve Email templates
  - Add backup/restore utility
  - Coordinator stores information(version, platform, revision, etc.) about runners.
  - Fixed pagination on dashboard
  - Public accessible build and commit pages of public projects
  - Fix vulnerability in the API when MySQL is used

  - Fix failing migration when update to 7.10 from 7.8 and older versions

	- added sidekiq.yml
	- integrated in script/background_jobs
  - Projects sorting by last commit date
  - Add project search at runner page
  - Fix GitLab and CI projects collision
  - Events for admin
  - Events per projects
  - Search for runners in admin area
  - UI improvements: created separated admin section, removed useless project show page
  - Runners sorting in admin area (by id)
  - Remove protected_attributes gem
  - Skip commit creation if there is no appropriate job

  - Contains no changes
  - Developers can cancel and retry jobs

  - [Security] Already existing projects should not be served by shared runners
  - Ability to run deploy job without test jobs (every push will trigger deploy job)

  - [Security] Adding explicit is_shared parameter to runner
  - [Security] By default new projects are not served by shared runners

  - Reset user session if token is invalid
  - Runner delete api endpoint
  - Fix bug about showing edit button on commit page if user does not have permissions
  - Allow to pass description and tag list during Runner's registration
  - Added api for project jobs
  - Implementation of deploy jobs after all parallel jobs(tests).
  - Add scroll up/down buttons for better mobile experience with large build traces
  - Add runner last contact (Kamil Trzciński)
  - Allow to pause runners - when paused runner will not receive any new build (Kamil Trzciński)
  - Add brakeman (security scanner for Ruby on Rails)
  - Changed a color of the canceled builds
  - Fix of show the same commits in different branches

  - Fix the broken build failed email
  - Notify only pusher instead of commiter

  - Fix OAuth login with GitLab installed in relative URL
  - GitLab CI has same version as GitLab since now
  - Allow to pass description and tag list during Runner's registration (Kamil Trzciński)
  - Update documentation (API, Install, Update)
  - Skip refs field supports for wildcard branch name (ex. feature/*)
  - Migrate E-mail notification to Services menu (Kamil Trzciński)
  - Added Slack notifications (Kamil Trzciński)
  - Disable turbolink on links pointing out to GitLab server
  - Add test coverage parsing example for pytest-cov
  - Upgrade raindrops gem

  - Fix exposure of project token via build data

  - Fix 500 if on builds page if build has no job
  - Truncate project token from build trace
  - Allow users with access to project see build trace

v5.4.0 (Requires GitLab 7.7)
  - Fixed 500 error for badge if build is pending
  - Non-admin users can now register specific runners for their projects
  - Project specific runners page which users can access
  - Remove progress output from schedule_builds cron job
  - Fix schedule_builds rake task
  - Fix test webhook button
  - Job can be branch specific or tag specific or both
  - Shared runners builds projects which are not assigned to specific ones
  - Job can be runner specific through tags
  - Runner have tags
  - Move job settings to separate page
  - Add authorization level managing projects
  - OAuth authentication via GitLab.

  - Remove annoying 'Done' message from schedule_builds cron job
  - Fix a style issue with the navbar
  - Skip CSRF check on the project's build page
  - Fix showing wrong build script on admin projects page
  - Add branch and commit message to build result emails

  - Improve performance by adding new indicies
  - Separate Commit logic from Build logic in prep for Parallel Builds
  - Parallel builds
  - You can have multiple build scripts per project

  - Registration token and runner token are named differently
  - Redirect to previous page after sign-in
  - Dont show archived projects
  - Add support for skip branches from build
  - Add coverage parsing feature
  - Update rails to 4.0.10
  - Look for a REVISION file before running `git log`
  - All builds page for admin

  - Update rails to 4.0.5

  - Set build timeout in minutes
  - Web Hooks for builds
  - Nprogress bar
  - Remove extra spaces in build script
  - Requires runner v5
    * All script commands executed as one file
    * Cancel button works correctly now
    * Runner stability increased
    * Timeout applies to build now instead of line of script

  - Refactor build js
  - Redirect to build page with sha + bid if build id is not provided
  - Update rails to 4.0.3
  - Restyle project settings page
  - Improve help page
  - Replaced puma with unicorn
  - Improved init.d script
  - Add submodule init to default build script for new projects

  - Build duration chart
  - Bootstrap 3 with responsive UI
  - Improved init.d script
  - Refactoring
  - Changed http codes for POST /projects/:id/build action
  - Turbolinks

  - Rails 4
  - Click on build branch to see other builds for this branch
  - Email notifications (Jeroen Knoops)

  - Shared runners (no need to add runner to every project)
  - Admin area (only available for GitLab admins)
  - Hide all runners management into admin area
  - Use http cloning for builds instead of deploy keys
  - Allow choose between git clone and git fetch when get code for build
  - Make build timeout actually works
  - Requires GitLab 6.3 or higher
  - GitLab CI settings go to GitLab project via api on creation

  - Limit visibility of projects by gitlab authorized projects
  - Use one page for both gitlab and gitlab-ci projects

  - Login with both username, email or LDAP credentials (if GitLab 6.0+)
  - Retry build button functionality
  - UI fixes for resolution 1366px and lower
  - Fix gravatar ssl warning

  - Build running functionality extracted in gitlab-ci-runner
  - Added API for runners and builds
  - Redesigned application
  - Added charts
  - Use GitLab auth
  - Add projects via UI with few clicks

  - replaced unicorn with puma
  - replaced grit with rugged
  - Runner.rb more transactional safe now
  - updated rails to 3.2.13
  - updated devise to 2.2
  - fixed issue when build left in running status if exception triggered
  - rescue build timeout correctly
  - badge helper with markdown & html
  - increased test coverage to 85%

  - Removed horizontal scroll for build trace
  - new status badges
  - better encode
  - added several CI_* env variables

  - Replace resque with sidekiq
  - Run only one build at time per project
  - Added whenever for schedule jobs

  - Added Github web hook support
  - Added build schedule

  - Added JSON response for builds status
  - Compatible with GitLab v4.0.0