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# Import/Export development documentation

Troubleshooing and general development guidelines and tips for the [Import/Export feature](../user/project/settings/

<i class="fa fa-youtube-play youtube" aria-hidden="true"></i> This document is originally based on the [Import/Export 201 presentation available on YouTube](

## Troubleshooting commands

Finds information about the status of the import and further logs using the JID:

# Rails console
Project.find_by_full_path('group/project').import_state.slice(:jid, :status, :last_error)
> {"jid"=>"414dec93f941a593ea1a6894", "status"=>"finished", "last_error"=>nil}

# Logs
grep JID /var/log/gitlab/sidekiq/current
grep "Import/Export error" /var/log/gitlab/sidekiq/current
grep "Import/Export backtrace" /var/log/gitlab/sidekiq/current

## Troubleshooting performance issues

Read through the current performance problems using the Import/Export below.

### OOM errors

Out of memory (OOM) errors are normally caused by the [Sidekiq Memory Killer](../administration/operations/
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An import status `started`, and the following sidekiq logs will signal a memory issue:

WARN: Work still in progress <struct with JID>

### Timeouts

Timeout errors occur due to the `StuckImportJobsWorker` marking the process as failed:

class StuckImportJobsWorker
  include ApplicationWorker
  include CronjobQueue

  IMPORT_JOBS_EXPIRATION = 15.hours.to_i

  def perform
    import_state_without_jid_count = mark_import_states_without_jid_as_failed!
    import_state_with_jid_count = mark_import_states_with_jid_as_failed!

Marked stuck import jobs as failed. JIDs: xyz

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  +-----------+    +-----------------------------------+
  |Export Job |--->| Calls ActiveRecord `as_json` and  |
  +-----------+    | `to_json` on all project models   |

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  +-----------+    +-----------------------------------+
  |Import Job |--->| Loads all JSON in memory, then    |
  +-----------+    | inserts into the DB in batches    |

### Problems and solutions

| Problem | Possible solutions |
| -------- | -------- |
| [Slow JSON]( loading/dumping models from the database | [split the worker]( |
| | Batch export
| | Optimize SQL
| | Move away from `ActiveRecord` callbacks (difficult)
| High memory usage (see also some [analysis]( | DB Commit sweet spot that uses less memory |
| | [Netflix Fast JSON API]( may help |
| | Batch reading/writing to disk and any SQL

### Temporary solutions

While the performance problems are not tackled, there is a process to workaround
importing big projects, using a foreground import:

[Foreground import]( of big projects for customers.
(Using the import template in the [infrastructure tracker](

## Security

The Import/Export feature is constantly updated (adding new things to export), however
the code hasn't been refactored in a long time. We should perform a [code audit](
to make sure its dynamic nature does not increase the number of security concerns.

### Security in the code

Some of these classes provide a layer of security to the Import/Export.

The `AttributeCleaner` removes any prohibited keys:

# AttributeCleaner
# Removes all `_ids` and other prohibited keys
    class AttributeCleaner
      ALLOWED_REFERENCES = RelationFactory::PROJECT_REFERENCES + RelationFactory::USER_REFERENCES + ['group_id']

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      def clean
        @relation_hash.reject do |key, _value|
          prohibited_key?(key) || !@relation_class.attribute_method?(key) || excluded_key?(key)

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The `AttributeConfigurationSpec` checks and confirms the addition of new columns:

# AttributeConfigurationSpec
  It looks like #{relation_class}, which is exported using the project Import/Export, has new attributes:

  Please add the attribute(s) to SAFE_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES if you consider this can be exported.
  Otherwise, please blacklist the attribute(s) in IMPORT_EXPORT_CONFIG by adding it to its correspondent
  model in the +excluded_attributes+ section.

  SAFE_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES: #{File.expand_path(safe_attributes_file)}
  IMPORT_EXPORT_CONFIG: #{Gitlab::ImportExport.config_file}
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The `ModelConfigurationSpec` checks and confirms the addition of new models:

# ModelConfigurationSpec
  New model(s) <#{new_models.join(',')}> have been added, related to #{parent_model_name}, which is exported by
  the Import/Export feature.

  If you think this model should be included in the export, please add it to `#{Gitlab::ImportExport.config_file}`.

  Definitely add it to `#{File.expand_path(ce_models_yml)}`
  #{"or `#{File.expand_path(ee_models_yml)}` if the model/associations are EE-specific\n" if ee_models_hash.any?}
  to signal that you've handled this error and to prevent it from showing up in the future.

The `ExportFileSpec` detects encrypted or sensitive columns:

# ExportFileSpec
  Found a new sensitive word <#{key_found}>, which is part of the hash #{parent.inspect}
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  If you think this information shouldn't get exported, please exclude the model or attribute in

  Otherwise, please add the exception to +safe_list+ in CURRENT_SPEC using #{sensitive_word} as the
  key and the correspondent hash or model as the value.

  Also, if the attribute is a generated unique token, please add it to RelationFactory::TOKEN_RESET_MODELS
  if it needs to be reset (to prevent duplicate column problems while importing to the same instance).

  IMPORT_EXPORT_CONFIG: #{Gitlab::ImportExport.config_file}

## Versioning

Import/Export does not use strict SemVer, since it has frequent constant changes
during a single GitLab release. It does require an update when there is a breaking change.

# ImportExport
module Gitlab
  module ImportExport
    extend self

    # For every version update, the version history in has to be kept up to date.
    VERSION = '0.2.4'

## Version history

The [current version history](../user/project/settings/ also displays the equivalent GitLab version
and it is useful for knowing which versions won't be compatible between them.

| GitLab version   | Import/Export version |
| ---------------- | --------------------- |
| 11.1 to current  | 0.2.4                 |
| 10.8             | 0.2.3                 |
| 10.4             | 0.2.2                 |
| ...              | ...                   |
| 8.10.3           | 0.1.3                 |
| 8.10.0           | 0.1.2                 |
| 8.9.5            | 0.1.1                 |
| 8.9.0            | 0.1.0                 |

### When to bump the version up

We will have to bump the verision if we rename model/columns or perform any format
modifications in the JSON structure or the file structure of the archive file.

We do not need to bump the version up in any of the following cases:

- Add a new column or a model
- Remove a column or model (unless there is a DB constraint)
- Export new things (such as a new type of upload)

Every time we bump the version, the integration specs will fail and can be fixed with:

bundle exec rake gitlab:import_export:bump_version

### Renaming columns or models

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This is a relatively common occurrence that will require a version bump.
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There is also the _RC problem_ - runs an RC, prior to any customers,
meaning that we want to bump the version up in the next version (or patch release).

For example:

1. Add rename to `RelationRenameService` in X.Y
2. Remove it from `RelationRenameService` in X.Y + 1
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3. Bump Import/Export version in X.Y + 1

module Gitlab
  module ImportExport
    class RelationRenameService
      RENAMES = {
        'pipelines' => 'ci_pipelines' # Added in 11.6, remove in 11.7

## A quick dive into the code

### Import/Export configuration (`import_export.yml`)

The main configuration `import_export.yml` defines what models can be exported/imported.

Model relationships to be included in the project import/export:

  - labels:
  - milestones:
    - events:
      - :push_event_payload
  - issues:
    - events:
    - ...

Only include the following attributes for the models specified:

    - :id
    - :email
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Do not include the following attributes for the models specified:

    - :name
    - :path
    - ...

Extra methods to be called by the export:

# Methods
    - :type
    - :type

### Import

The import job status moves from `none` to `finished` or `failed` into different states:

_import\_status_: none -> scheduled -> started -> finished/failed

While the status is `started` the `Importer` code processes each step required for the import.

# ImportExport::Importer
module Gitlab
  module ImportExport
    class Importer
      def execute
        if import_file && check_version! && restorers.all?(&:restore) && overwrite_project
          raise', '))
      rescue => e

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      def restorers
        [repo_restorer, wiki_restorer, project_tree, avatar_restorer,
         uploads_restorer, lfs_restorer, statistics_restorer]

The export service, is similar to the `Importer`, restoring data instead of saving it.

### Export

# ImportExport::ExportService
module Projects
  module ImportExport
    class ExportService < BaseService

      def save_all!
        if save_services
 project, shared: @shared)

      def save_services
        [version_saver, avatar_saver, project_tree_saver, uploads_saver, repo_saver,
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           wiki_repo_saver, lfs_saver].all?(&:save)