• Phil Hughes's avatar
    Added masonry layout · 1fae4d81
    Phil Hughes authored
    Possibly need to change masonry library but so far it is the only one I found that works well
boards_store.js.es6 3.66 KB
/* eslint-disable comma-dangle, space-before-function-paren, one-var, no-shadow, dot-notation, max-len */
/* global Cookies */
/* global List */

(() => {
  window.gl = window.gl || {};
  window.gl.issueBoards = window.gl.issueBoards || {};

  gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore = {
    disabled: false,
    state: {},
    detail: {
      issue: {}
    modal: {
      issues: [],
      showAddIssuesModal: true,
      activeTab: 'all',
    moving: {
      issue: {},
      list: {}
    create () {
      this.state.lists = [];
      this.state.filters = {
        author_id: gl.utils.getParameterValues('author_id')[0],
        assignee_id: gl.utils.getParameterValues('assignee_id')[0],
        milestone_title: gl.utils.getParameterValues('milestone_title')[0],
        label_name: gl.utils.getParameterValues('label_name[]'),
        search: ''
    addList (listObj) {
      const list = new List(listObj);

      return list;
    new (listObj) {
      const list = this.addList(listObj);
      const backlogList = this.findList('type', 'backlog', 'backlog');

        .then(() => {
          // Remove any new issues from the backlog
          // as they will be visible in the new list

          this.state.lists = _.sortBy(this.state.lists, 'position');
    updateNewListDropdown (listId) {
    shouldAddBlankState () {
      // Decide whether to add the blank state
      return !(this.state.lists.filter(list => list.type !== 'backlog' && list.type !== 'done')[0]);
    addBlankState () {
      if (!this.shouldAddBlankState() || this.welcomeIsHidden() || this.disabled) return;

        id: 'blank',
        list_type: 'blank',
        title: 'Welcome to your Issue Board!',
        position: 0

      this.state.lists = _.sortBy(this.state.lists, 'position');
    removeBlankState () {

      Cookies.set('issue_board_welcome_hidden', 'true', {
        expires: 365 * 10,
        path: ''
    welcomeIsHidden () {
      return Cookies.get('issue_board_welcome_hidden') === 'true';
    removeList (id, type = 'blank') {
      const list = this.findList('id', id, type);

      if (!list) return;

      this.state.lists = this.state.lists.filter(list => list.id !== id);
    moveList (listFrom, orderLists) {
      orderLists.forEach((id, i) => {
        const list = this.findList('id', parseInt(id, 10));

        list.position = i;
    moveIssueToList (listFrom, listTo, issue, newIndex) {
      const issueTo = listTo.findIssue(issue.id);
      const issueLists = issue.getLists();
      const listLabels = issueLists.map(listIssue => listIssue.label);

      // Add to new lists issues if it doesn't already exist
      if (!issueTo) {
        listTo.addIssue(issue, listFrom, newIndex);

      if (listTo.type === 'done' && listFrom.type !== 'backlog') {
        issueLists.forEach((list) => {
      } else {
    findList (key, val, type = 'label') {
      return this.state.lists.filter((list) => {
        const byType = type ? list['type'] === type : true;

        return list[key] === val && byType;
    updateFiltersUrl () {
      history.pushState(null, null, `?${$.param(this.state.filters)}`);