• Bob Van Landuyt's avatar
    Upload Versioned designs through GraphQL · 45f3aa99
    Bob Van Landuyt authored
    This allows uploading designs through GraphQL.
    The mutation requires these arguments:
    - `fullPath`: The path in which we can find the issue for creating
    - `iid`: The iid of the issue in which to upload designs
    - `files`: An array of files. We expect these to be in the format
      used by apollo-upload-client[0] which uses this spec[1] for
      multipart fileupload.
    The middleware used for handling the multipart upload an translating
    the variables is apollo_upload_server[2]
    When a file is uploaded, the basename is used for creating a design,
    when a design for the specified issue did not exist for the filename,
    a new one is created. Otherwise the existing one is used.
    When uploading a new file, a new version is created an linked to the
    design being updated or created.
    The files are stored in a repository that lives next to the project
    repository with the path `@hashed/[hash]/[to]/[repo].design.git. The
    files are not yet stored in LFS, but they should be.
    0: https://github.com/jaydenseric/apollo-upload-client
    1: https://github.com/jaydenseric/graphql-multipart-request-spec
    2: https://github.com/jetruby/apollo_upload_server-ruby
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