show.html.haml 2.67 KB
- add_to_breadcrumbs "Pages", project_pages_path(@project)
- breadcrumb_title @domain.domain
- page_title "#{@domain.domain}", 'Pages Domains'
- dns_record = "#{@domain.domain} CNAME #{@domain.project.pages_subdomain}.#{}."

- verification_enabled = Gitlab::CurrentSettings.pages_domain_verification_enabled?

- if verification_enabled && @domain.unverified?
  = content_for :flash_message do
        This domain is not verified. You will need to verify ownership before access is enabled.
  = link_to 'Edit', edit_project_pages_domain_path(@project, @domain), class: 'btn btn-success float-right'
  Pages Domain

        = link_to @domain.url do
          = @domain.url
          = icon('external-link')
          = text_field_tag :domain_dns, dns_record , class: "monospace js-select-on-focus form-control", readonly: true
            = clipboard_button(target: '#domain_dns', class: 'btn-default input-group-text d-none d-sm-block')
          To access this domain create a new DNS record

    - if verification_enabled
      - verification_record = "#{@domain.verification_domain} TXT #{@domain.keyed_verification_code}"
          Verification status
          = form_tag verify_project_pages_domain_path(@project, @domain) do
              - text, status = @domain.unverified? ? [_('Unverified'), 'badge-danger'] : [_('Verified'), 'badge-success']
              .label{ class: status }
                = text
              %button.btn.has-tooltip{ type: "submit", data: { container: 'body' }, title: _("Retry verification") }
                = sprite_icon('redo')
            = text_field_tag :domain_verification, verification_record, class: "monospace js-select-on-focus form-control", readonly: true
              = clipboard_button(target: '#domain_verification', class: 'btn-default d-none d-sm-block')
            - help_link = help_page_path('user/project/pages/', anchor: 'dns-txt-record')
            To #{link_to 'verify ownership', help_link} of your domain,
            add the above key to a TXT record within to your DNS configuration.

        - if @domain.certificate_text
            = @domain.certificate_text
        - else