will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

_nav.html.haml 1.24 KB
- subscribed = params[:subscribed]

  = gl_tabs_nav({ class: 'gl-flex-grow-1 gl-border-0' }) do
    = gl_tab_link_to _('All'), labels_filter_path, { item_active: active_when(subscribed != 'true') }
    - if current_user
      = gl_tab_link_to _('Subscribed'), labels_filter_path(subscribed: 'true'), { item_active: active_when(subscribed == 'true') }
    = form_tag labels_filter_path, method: :get do
      = hidden_field_tag :subscribed, params[:subscribed]
        = search_field_tag :search, params[:search], { placeholder: _('Filter'), id: 'label-search', class: 'form-control search-text-input input-short', spellcheck: false, autofocus: true }
{ type: "submit", "aria-label" => _('Submit search') }
            = sprite_icon('search')
    = render 'shared/labels/sort_dropdown'
    - if labels_or_filters && can_admin_label && @project
      = link_to _('New label'), new_project_label_path(@project), class: "btn gl-button btn-confirm qa-label-create-new"
    - if labels_or_filters && can_admin_label && @group
      = link_to _('New label'), new_group_label_path(@group), class: "btn gl-button btn-confirm qa-label-create-new"