• Arturo Herrero's avatar
    Remove unnecessary validation avoiding N+1 queries · be4a1dac
    Arturo Herrero authored
    Remove unnecessary validation avoiding N+1 queries when building
    integrations. This is a follow-up to fix
    https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/326209 where find or
    initialize services causes N+1 queries.
    Find or initialize the services has the following precedence:
    - Find existing records.
    - Build services from instance-level record or service template record.
      => This commit fixes the N+1 here.
    - Build services from scratch. Fixed
    In this case, when building one integration from an instance-level
    integration or service template we check for service.invalid? which
    triggers a query. service is an in-memory object but it checks the
    uniqueness by type and project.  We can remove this because it's
    - All the integration records should be valid, we worked to verified
      that https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/3366.
    - build_from_integration copy the active value from the instance-level
      or service template. So if that integration is inactive,
      service = integration.dup will copy active attribute as false.
service.rb 13.9 KB