• Amy Qualls's avatar
    Full revision of Changes page · cd352ae4
    Amy Qualls authored
    This page has been slated for a revamp for some time, but I needed
    contiguous time to make it happen. It's less of an edit and more
    of a full rewrite.
    - Remove old images
    - Reshoot a single, better image
    - Rename subheadings
    - Combine more subheadings into the top 'concept' section
    - Rebuild the version history of every section that had a feature
      flag at some time in the past
    - Rewrite pretty much everything
    - Occasional good-natured sobbing in frustration
    This page needs some help and love. Now that the info is collected
    onto a single page, let's start shaping it into what it needs.
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
changes.md 6.59 KB