@@ -12,16 +12,25 @@ A lot of GitLab users have successfully migrated to GitLab CI/CD from Jenkins. T
easier if you're just getting started, we've collected several resources here that you might find useful
before diving in. Think of this page as a "GitLab CI/CD for Jenkins Users" guide.
First of all, our [Quick Start Guide](../quick_start/README.md) contains a good overview of how GitLab CI/CD works.
You may also be interested in [Auto DevOps](../../topics/autodevops/index.md) which can potentially be used to build, test,
and deploy your applications with little to no configuration needed at all.
The following list of recommended steps was created after observing organizations
that were able to quickly complete this migration:
1. Start by reading the GitLab CI/CD [Quick Start Guide](../quick_start/README.md) and [important product differences](#important-product-differences).
1. Learn the importance of [managing the organizational transition](#managing-the-organizational-transition).
1.[Add Runners](../runners/README.md) to your GitLab instance.
1. Educate and enable your developers to independently perform the following steps in their projects:
1. Review the [Quick Start Guide](../quick_start/README.md) and [Pipeline Configuration Reference](../yaml/README.md).
1. Use the [Jenkins Wrapper](#jenkinsfile-wrapper) to temporarily maintain fragile Jenkins jobs.
1. Migrate the build and CI jobs and configure them to show results directly in your merge requests. They can use [Auto DevOps](../../topics/autodevops/index.md) as a starting point, and [customize](../../topics/autodevops/customize.md) or [decompose](../../topics/autodevops/customize.md#using-components-of-auto-devops) the configuration as needed.
1. Add [Review Apps](../review_apps/index.md).
1. Migrate the deployment jobs using [cloud deployment templates](../cloud_deployment/index.md), adding [environments](../environments/index.md), and [deploy boards](../..//user/project/deploy_boards.md).
1. Work to unwrap any jobs still running with the use of the Jenkins wrapper.
1. Take stock of any common CI/CD job definitions then create and share [templates](#templates) for them.
For an example of how to convert a Jenkins pipeline into a GitLab CI/CD pipeline,
or how to use Auto DevOps to test your code automatically, watch the
[Migrating from Jenkins to GitLab](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlEVGOpYF5Y) video.
For advanced CI/CD teams, [templates](#templates) can enable the reuse of pipeline configurations.
Otherwise, read on for important information that will help you get the ball rolling. Welcome