Commit 0443c708 authored by Winnie Hellmann's avatar Winnie Hellmann

Include Vue files that are not covered by tests in test coverage

parent cfe21219
......@@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ if (process.env.BABEL_ENV === 'coverage') {
describe('Uncovered files', function() {
const sourceFiles = require.context('~', true, /\.js$/);
const sourceFiles = require.context('~', true, /\.(js|vue)$/);
sourceFiles.keys().forEach(function(path) {
// ignore if there is a matching spec file
if (testsContext.keys().indexOf(`${path.replace(/\.js$/, '')}_spec`) > -1) {
if (testsContext.keys().indexOf(`${path.replace(/\.(js|vue)$/, '')}_spec`) > -1) {
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