Commit 0515a447 authored by Rémy Coutable's avatar Rémy Coutable

Merge branch 'ce-to-ee' into 'master'

Thursday: Merge CE -> EE

See merge request !1050
parents fbccad89 c02cf633
......@@ -41,6 +41,21 @@ body {
.alert-link-group {
float: right;
/* Center alert text and alert action links on smaller screens */
@media (max-width: $screen-sm-max) {
.alert {
text-align: center;
.alert-link-group {
float: none;
/* Stripe the background colors so that adjacent alert-warnings are distinct from one another */
.alert-warning {
transition: background-color 0.15s, border-color 0.15s;
// Limit MR description for side-by-side diff view
.fixed-width-container {
max-width: $limited-layout-width - ($gl-padding * 2);
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
.limit-container-width {
.detail-page-header {
@extend .fixed-width-container;
.issuable-details {
.merge-manually {
@extend .fixed-width-container;
.merge-request-tabs-holder {
&.affix {
border-bottom: 1px solid $border-color;
.nav-links {
border: 0;
.container-fluid {
@extend .fixed-width-container;
.merge-request-details {
.emoji-list-container {
@extend .fixed-width-container;
.diffs {
.files-changed {
@extend .fixed-width-container;
.issuable-details {
section {
.issuable-discussion {
- @content_class = "limit-container-width"
- @content_class = "limit-container-width" unless fluid_layout
- page_title "#{@issue.title} (#{@issue.to_reference})", "Issues"
- page_description @issue.description
- page_card_attributes @issue.card_attributes
- @content_class = "limit-container-width"
- @content_class = "limit-container-width" unless fluid_layout
- page_title "#{@merge_request.title} (#{@merge_request.to_reference})", "Merge Requests"
- page_description @merge_request.description
- page_card_attributes @merge_request.card_attributes
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
= succeed '.' do
= link_to "command line", "#modal_merge_info", class: "how_to_merge_link vlink", title: "How To Merge", "data-toggle" => "modal"
= render 'award_emoji/awards_block', awardable: @merge_request, inline: true
.merge-request-tabs-holder{ class: ("js-tabs-affix" unless ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == 'test') }
- if cookies[:hide_no_password_message].blank? && !current_user.hide_no_password && current_user.require_password?
You won't be able to pull or push project code via #{gitlab_config.protocol.upcase} until you #{link_to 'set a password', edit_profile_password_path} on your account
= link_to "Don't show again", profile_path(user: {hide_no_password: true}), method: :put
= link_to 'Remind later', '#', class: 'hide-no-password-message'
- if cookies[:hide_no_ssh_message].blank? && !current_user.hide_no_ssh_key && current_user.require_ssh_key?
You won't be able to pull or push project code via SSH until you #{link_to 'add an SSH key', profile_keys_path, class: 'alert-link'} to your profile
= link_to "Don't show again", profile_path(user: {hide_no_ssh_key: true}), method: :put, class: 'alert-link'
= link_to 'Remind later', '#', class: 'hide-no-ssh-message alert-link'
title: Changed alerts to be responsive, centered text on smaller viewports
merge_request: 8424
author: Connor Smallman
title: Fix 500 error when POSTing to Users API with optional confirm param
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ In the example below we use Amazon S3 for storage, but Fog also lets you use
for AWS, Google, OpenStack Swift and Rackspace as well. A local driver is
[also available](#uploading-to-locally-mounted-shares).
For omnibus packages:
For omnibus packages, add the following to `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`:
gitlab_rails['backup_upload_connection'] = {
......@@ -109,6 +109,8 @@ gitlab_rails['backup_upload_connection'] = {
gitlab_rails['backup_upload_remote_directory'] = 'my.s3.bucket'
Make sure to run `sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure` after editing `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` to reflect the changes.
For installations from source:
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ module API
# Filter out params which are used later
user_params = declared_params(include_missing: false)
identity_attrs = user_params.slice(:provider, :extern_uid)
confirm = params.delete(:confirm)
confirm = user_params.delete(:confirm)
user =, :provider))
user.skip_confirmation! unless confirm
......@@ -149,6 +149,15 @@ describe API::Users, api: true do
expect(new_user.can_create_group).to eq(true)
it "creates user with optional attributes" do
optional_attributes = { confirm: true }
attributes = attributes_for(:user).merge(optional_attributes)
post api('/users', admin), attributes
expect(response).to have_http_status(201)
it "creates non-admin user" do
post api('/users', admin), attributes_for(:user, admin: false, can_create_group: false)
expect(response).to have_http_status(201)
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