Commit 0b9e04bb authored by GitLab Bot's avatar GitLab Bot

Automatic merge of gitlab-org/gitlab master

parents 07a680b2 d9823db2
......@@ -33,15 +33,17 @@ class BulkCreateIntegrationService
klass.insert_all(items_to_insert, returning: [:id])
# rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
def run_callbacks(batch)
if integration.external_issue_tracker?
batch.update_all(has_external_issue_tracker: true)
Project.where(id: true)
if integration.external_wiki?
batch.update_all(has_external_wiki: true)
Project.where(id: true)
# rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
def service_hash
if integration.template?
- add_to_breadcrumbs _("Groups"), admin_groups_path
- breadcrumb_title
- page_title, _("Groups")
- current_user_is_group_owner = @group && @group.has_owner?(current_user)
......@@ -116,7 +117,7 @@
= select_tag :access_level, options_for_select(@group.access_level_roles), class: "project-access-select select2"
= button_tag _('Add users to group'), class: "gl-button btn btn-success"
= render 'shared/members/requests', membership_source: @group, requesters: @requesters, force_mobile_view: true
= render 'shared/members/requests', membership_source: @group, group: @group, requesters: @requesters, force_mobile_view: true
......@@ -127,6 +128,11 @@
= sprite_icon('pencil-square', css_class: 'gl-icon')
= _('Manage access')
= render partial: 'shared/members/member', collection: @members, as: :member, locals: { show_controls: false }
= render partial: 'shared/members/member',
collection: @members, as: :member,
locals: { membership_source: @group,
group: @group,
show_controls: false,
current_user_is_group_owner: current_user_is_group_owner }
= paginate @members, param_name: 'members_page', theme: 'gitlab'
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
- breadcrumb_title @project.full_name
- page_title @project.full_name, _("Projects")
- @content_class = "admin-projects"
- current_user_is_group_owner = @group && @group.has_owner?(current_user)
......@@ -183,11 +184,16 @@
= sprite_icon('pencil-square', css_class: 'gl-icon')
= _('Manage access')
= render partial: 'shared/members/member', collection: @group_members, as: :member, locals: { show_controls: false }
= render partial: 'shared/members/member',
collection: @group_members, as: :member,
locals: { membership_source: @project,
group: @group,
show_controls: false,
current_user_is_group_owner: current_user_is_group_owner }
= paginate @group_members, param_name: 'group_members_page', theme: 'gitlab'
= render 'shared/members/requests', membership_source: @project, requesters: @requesters, force_mobile_view: true
= render 'shared/members/requests', membership_source: @project, group: @group, requesters: @requesters, force_mobile_view: true
......@@ -199,6 +205,11 @@
= sprite_icon('pencil-square', css_class: 'gl-icon')
= _('Manage access')
= render partial: 'shared/members/member', collection: @project_members, as: :member, locals: { show_controls: false }
= render partial: 'shared/members/member',
collection: @project_members, as: :member,
locals: { membership_source: @project,
group: @group,
show_controls: false,
current_user_is_group_owner: current_user_is_group_owner }
= paginate @project_members, param_name: 'project_members_page', theme: 'gitlab'
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
- show_access_requests = can_manage_members && @requesters.exists?
- invited_active = params[:search_invited].present? || params[:invited_members_page].present?
- vue_members_list_enabled = Feature.enabled?(:vue_group_members_list, @group)
- current_user_is_group_owner = @group && @group.has_owner?(current_user)
- form_item_label_css_class = 'label-bold gl-mr-2 gl-mb-0 gl-py-2 align-self-md-center'
......@@ -71,7 +72,11 @@
.js-group-members-list{ data: group_members_list_data_attributes(@group, @members) }
- else
%ul.content-list.members-list{ data: { qa_selector: 'members_list' } }
= render partial: 'shared/members/member', collection: @members, as: :member
= render partial: 'shared/members/member',
collection: @members, as: :member,
locals: { membership_source: @group,
group: @group,
current_user_is_group_owner: current_user_is_group_owner }
= paginate @members, theme: 'gitlab', params: { invited_members_page: nil, search_invited: nil }
- if @group.shared_with_group_links.any?
......@@ -97,7 +102,11 @@
.js-group-invited-members-list{ data: group_members_list_data_attributes(@group, @invited_members) }
- else
= render partial: 'shared/members/member', collection: @invited_members, as: :member
= render partial: 'shared/members/member',
collection: @invited_members, as: :member,
locals: { membership_source: @group,
group: @group,
current_user_is_group_owner: current_user_is_group_owner }
= paginate @invited_members, param_name: 'invited_members_page', theme: 'gitlab', params: { page: nil }
- if show_access_requests
......@@ -109,4 +118,8 @@
.js-group-access-requests-list{ data: group_members_list_data_attributes(@group, @requesters) }
- else
= render partial: 'shared/members/member', collection: @requesters, as: :member
= render partial: 'shared/members/member',
collection: @requesters, as: :member,
locals: { membership_source: @group,
group: @group,
current_user_is_group_owner: current_user_is_group_owner }
- project = local_assigns.fetch(:project)
- members = local_assigns.fetch(:members)
- group = local_assigns.fetch(:group)
- current_user_is_group_owner = group && group.has_owner?(current_user)
......@@ -15,4 +17,8 @@
= label_tag :sort_by, _('Sort by'), class: 'col-form-label label-bold px-2'
= render 'shared/members/sort_dropdown'
%ul.content-list.members-list{ data: { qa_selector: 'members_list' } }
= render partial: 'shared/members/member', collection: members, as: :member
= render partial: 'shared/members/member',
collection: members, as: :member,
locals: { membership_source: project,
group: group,
current_user_is_group_owner: current_user_is_group_owner }
- page_title _("Members")
- can_admin_project_members = can?(current_user, :admin_project_member, @project)
- group =
......@@ -32,12 +33,12 @@
- elsif @project.allowed_to_share_with_group?
.invite-group= render 'shared/members/invite_group', access_levels: ProjectGroupLink.access_options, default_access_level: ProjectGroupLink.default_access, submit_url: project_group_links_path(@project), group_link_field: 'link_group_id', group_access_field: 'link_group_access'
= render 'shared/members/requests', membership_source: @project, requesters: @requesters
= render 'shared/members/requests', membership_source: @project, group: group, requesters: @requesters
= _("Existing members and groups")
- if @group_links.any?
= render 'projects/project_members/groups', group_links: @group_links
= render 'projects/project_members/team', project: @project, members: @project_members
= render 'projects/project_members/team', project: @project, group: group, members: @project_members
= paginate @project_members, theme: "gitlab"
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- if issuable_mr > 0{ title: _('Related merge requests') }
= image_tag('icon-merge-request-unmerged.svg', class: 'icon-merge-request-unmerged')
= sprite_icon('merge-request', css_class: "gl-vertical-align-middle")
= issuable_mr
- if upvotes > 0
......@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
- show_controls = local_assigns.fetch(:show_controls, true)
- force_mobile_view = local_assigns.fetch(:force_mobile_view, false)
- member = local_assigns.fetch(:member)
- current_user_is_group_owner = local_assigns.fetch(:current_user_is_group_owner, false)
- membership_source = local_assigns.fetch(:membership_source)
- group = local_assigns.fetch(:group)
- user = local_assigns.fetch(:user, member.user)
- source = member.source
- override = member.try(:override)
......@@ -25,13 +28,13 @@
= render 'shared/members/its_you_badge', user: user, current_user: current_user
= render_if_exists 'shared/members/ee/license_badge', user: user, group: @group
= render_if_exists 'shared/members/ee/license_badge', user: user, group: group, current_user_is_group_owner: current_user_is_group_owner
= render 'shared/members/blocked_badge', user: user
= render 'shared/members/two_factor_auth_badge', user: user
- if source.instance_of?(Group) && source != @group
- if source.instance_of?(Group) && source != membership_source
= link_to source.full_name, source, class: "gl-display-inline-block inline-link"
......@@ -57,10 +60,9 @@
= link_to, user_path(member.created_by)
= time_ago_with_tooltip(member.created_at)
- if show_roles
- current_resource = @project || @group
= render_if_exists 'shared/members/ee/ldap_tag', can_override: member.can_override?
- if show_controls && member.source == current_resource
- if show_controls && member.source == membership_source
- if member.can_resend_invite?
= link_to sprite_icon('paper-airplane'), polymorphic_path([:resend_invite, member]),
......@@ -88,7 +90,7 @@
class: ("is-active" if member.access_level == role_id),
data: { id: role_id, el_id: dom_id(member), qa_selector: "#{role.downcase}_access_level_link" }
= render_if_exists 'shared/members/ee/revert_ldap_group_sync_option',
group: @group,
group: group,
member: member,
can_override: member.can_override?
.clearable-input.member-form-control{ class: [("d-sm-inline-block" unless force_mobile_view)] }
......@@ -125,8 +127,8 @@
= _("Delete")
- unless force_mobile_view
= sprite_icon('remove', css_class: 'd-none d-sm-block gl-icon')
= render_if_exists 'shared/members/ee/override_member_buttons', group: @group, member: member, user: user, action: :edit, can_override: member.can_override?
= render_if_exists 'shared/members/ee/override_member_buttons', group: group, member: member, user: user, action: :edit, can_override: member.can_override?
- else
%span.member-access-text.user-access-role= member.human_access
= render_if_exists 'shared/members/ee/override_member_buttons', group: @group, member: member, user: user, action: :confirm, can_override: member.can_override?
= render_if_exists 'shared/members/ee/override_member_buttons', group: group, member: member, user: user, action: :confirm, can_override: member.can_override?
- membership_source = local_assigns.fetch(:membership_source)
- requesters = local_assigns.fetch(:requesters)
- force_mobile_view = local_assigns.fetch(:force_mobile_view, false)
- group = local_assigns.fetch(:group)
- current_user_is_group_owner = group && group.has_owner?(current_user)
- return if requesters.empty?
......@@ -10,4 +12,9 @@
%span.badge.badge-pill= requesters.size
= render partial: 'shared/members/member', collection: requesters, as: :member, locals: { force_mobile_view: force_mobile_view }
= render partial: 'shared/members/member',
collection: requesters, as: :member,
locals: { membership_source: membership_source,
group: group,
force_mobile_view: force_mobile_view,
current_user_is_group_owner: current_user_is_group_owner }
title: Updated list view MR icon
merge_request: 46059
type: fixed
......@@ -45,6 +45,61 @@ To protect an environment:
The protected environment will now appear in the list of protected environments.
### Use the API to protect an environment
Alternatively, you can use the API to protect an environment:
1. Use a project with a CI that creates an environment. For example:
- test
- deploy
stage: test
- 'echo "Testing Application: ${CI_PROJECT_NAME}"'
stage: deploy
when: manual
- 'echo "Deploying to ${CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME}"'
name: ${CI_JOB_NAME}
1. Use the UI to [create a new group](../../user/group/
For example, this group is called `protected-access-group` and has the group ID `9899826`. Note
that the rest of the examples in these steps use this group.
![Group Access](img/protected_access_group_v13_6.png)
1. Use the API to add a user to the group as a reporter:
$ curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: xxxxxxxxxxxx" --data "user_id=3222377&access_level=20" ""
{"id":3222377,"name":"Sean Carroll","username":"sfcarroll","state":"active","avatar_url":"","web_url":"","access_level":20,"created_at":"2020-10-26T17:37:50.309Z","expires_at":null}
1. Use the API to add the group to the project as a reporter:
$ curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: xxxxxxxxxxxx" --request POST ""
1. Use the API to add the group with protected environment access:
curl --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --request POST --data '{"name": "production", "deploy_access_levels": [{"group_id": 9899826}]}' --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: xxxxxxxxxxx" ""
The group now has access and can be seen in the UI.
## Environment access by group membership
A user may be granted access to protected environments as part of
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Adding a new Service Component to GitLab
The GitLab product is made up of several service components that run as independent system processes in communication with each other. These services can be run on the same instance, or spread across different instances. A list of the existing components can be found in the [GitLab architecture overview](
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# API style guide
This style guide recommends best practices for API development.
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Application limits development
This document provides a development guide for contributors to add application
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Application secrets
This page is a development guide for application secrets.
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Approval Rules **(STARTER)**
This document explains the backend design and flow of all related functionality
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# GitLab architecture overview
## Software delivery
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Generating chaos in a test GitLab instance
As [Werner Vogels](, the CTO at Amazon Web Services, famously put it, **Everything fails, all the time**.
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Code comments
Whenever you add comment to the code that is expected to be addressed at any time
stage: Create
group: Source Code
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Code Intelligence
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.1.
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Creating enums
When creating a new enum, it should use the database type `SMALLINT`.
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Danger bot
The GitLab CI/CD pipeline includes a `danger-review` job that uses [Danger](
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Setting Multiple Values
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.5.
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Delete existing migrations
When removing existing migrations from the GitLab project, you have to take into account
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Deprecation guidelines
This page includes information about how and when to remove or make breaking
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
description: "Learn how GitLab docs' global navigation works and how to add new items."
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# GitLab Docs monthly release process
When a new GitLab version is released on the 22nd, we need to create the respective
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Guidelines for implementing Enterprise Edition features
- **Write the code and the tests.**: As with any code, EE features should have
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Dealing with email in development
## Ensuring compatibility with mailer Sidekiq jobs
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Experiment Guide
Experiments can be conducted by any GitLab team, most often the teams from the [Growth Sub-department]( Experiments are not tied to releases because they will primarily target
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Accessibility & Readability
## Resources
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Architecture
When you are developing a new feature that requires architectural design, or if
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Axios
We use [Axios]( to communicate with the server in Vue applications and most new code.
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Frontend dependencies
## Package manager
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Design Patterns
## Singletons
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Frontend Development Process
You can find more about the organization of the frontend team in the [handbook](
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# DropLab
A generic dropdown for all of your custom dropdown needs.
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Ajax
`Ajax` is a droplab plugin that allows for retrieving and rendering list data from a server.
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Filter
`Filter` is a plugin that allows for filtering data that has been added
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# InputSetter
`InputSetter` is a plugin that allows for updating DOM out of the scope of droplab when a list item is clicked.
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Emojis
GitLab supports native Unicode emojis and falls back to image-based emojis selectively
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Frontend FAQ
## Rules of Frontend FAQ
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Icons and SVG Illustrations
We manage our own icon and illustration library in the [`gitlab-svgs`](
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Frontend Development Guidelines
This document describes various guidelines to ensure consistency and quality
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Implementing keyboard shortcuts
We use [Mousetrap]( to implement keyboard
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Performance
## Best Practices
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Principles
These principles will ensure that your frontend contribution starts off in the right direction.
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Security
## Resources
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# HTML style guide
## Buttons
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# GitLab development style guides
See below for the relevant style guides, guidelines, linting, and other information for developing GitLab.
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
disqus_identifier: ''
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
disqus_identifier: ''
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Vue.js style guide
## Linting
......@@ -400,6 +406,199 @@ Useful links:
## Vue testing
Over time, a number of programming patterns and style preferences have emerged in our efforts to effectively test Vue components.
The following guide describes some of these. **These are not strict guidelines**, but rather a collection of suggestions and
good practices that aim to provide insight into how we write Vue tests at GitLab.
### Mounting a component
Typically, when testing a Vue component, the component should be "re-mounted" in every test block.
To achieve this:
1. Create a mutable `wrapper` variable inside the top-level `describe` block.
1. Mount the component using [`mount`]([`shallowMount`](
1. Reassign the resulting [`Wrapper`]( instance to our `wrapper` variable.
Creating a global, mutable wrapper provides a number of advantages, including the ability to:
- Define common functions for finding components/DOM elements:
import MyComponent from '~/path/to/my_component.vue';
describe('MyComponent', () => {
let wrapper;
// this can now be reused across tests
const findMyComponent = wrapper.find(MyComponent);
// ...
- Use a `beforeEach` block to mount the component (see [the `createComponent` factory](#the-createcomponent-factory) for more information).
- Use an `afterEach` block to destroy the component, for example, `wrapper.destroy()`.
#### The `createComponent` factory
To avoid duplicating our mounting logic, it's useful to define a `createComponent` factory function
that we can reuse in each test block. This is a closure which should reassign our `wrapper` variable
to the result of [`mount`]( and [`shallowMount`](
import MyComponent from '~/path/to/my_component.vue';
import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils';
describe('MyComponent', () => {
// Initiate the "global" wrapper variable. This will be used throughout our test:
let wrapper;
// Define our `createComponent` factory:
function createComponent() {
// Mount component and reassign `wrapper`:
wrapper = shallowMount(MyComponent);
it('mounts', () => {
it('`isLoading` prop defaults to `false`', () => {
Similarly, we could further de-duplicate our test by calling `createComponent` in a `beforeEach` block:
import MyComponent from '~/path/to/my_component.vue';
import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils';
describe('MyComponent', () => {
// Initiate the "global" wrapper variable. This will be used throughout our test
let wrapper;
// define our `createComponent` factory
function createComponent() {
// mount component and reassign `wrapper`
wrapper = shallowMount(MyComponent);
beforeEach(() => {
it('mounts', () => {
it('`isLoading` prop defaults to `false`', () => {
#### `createComponent` best practices
1. Consider using a single (or a limited number of) object arguments over many arguments.
Defining single parameters for common data like `props` is okay,
but keep in mind our [JavaScript style guide]( and stay within the parameter number limit:
// bad
function createComponent(data, props, methods, isLoading, mountFn) { }
// good
function createComponent({ data, props, methods, stubs, isLoading } = {}) { }
// good
function createComponent(props = {}, { data, methods, stubs, isLoading } = {}) { }
1. If you require both `mount` _and_ `shallowMount` within the same set of tests, it
can be useful define a `mountFn` parameter for the `createComponent` factory that accepts
the mounting function (`mount` or `shallowMount`) to be used to mount the component:
import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils';
function createComponent({ mountFn = shallowMount } = {}) { }
### Setting component state
1. Avoid using [`setProps`]( to set
component state wherever possible. Instead, set the component's
[`propsData`]( when mounting the component:
// bad
wrapper = shallowMount(MyComponent);
myProp: 'my cool prop'
// good
wrapper = shallowMount({ propsData: { myProp: 'my cool prop' } });
The exception here is when you wish to test component reactivity in some way.
For example, you may want to test the output of a component when after a particular watcher has executed.
Using `setProps` to test such behavior is okay.
### Accessing component state
1. When accessing props or attributes, prefer the `wrapper.props('myProp')` syntax over `wrapper.props().myProp`:
// good
// better
1. When asserting multiple props, check the deep equality of the `props()` object with [`toEqual`](
// good
// better
propA: 'valueA',
propB: 'valueB',
propC: 'valueC',
1. If you are only interested in some of the props, you can use [`toMatchObject`](
Prefer `toMatchObject` over [`expect.objectContaining`](
// good
propA: 'valueA',
propB: 'valueB',
// better
propA: 'valueA',
propB: 'valueB',
## The JavaScript/Vue Accord
The goal of this accord is to make sure we are all on the same page.
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Vue
To get started with Vue, read through [their documentation](
......@@ -182,10 +188,13 @@ Check this [page]( for more details.
## Style guide
Please refer to the Vue section of our [style guide](style/
for best practices while writing your Vue components and templates.
for best practices while writing and testing your Vue components and templates.
## Testing Vue Components
Please refer to the [Vue testing style guide](style/
for guidelines and best practices for testing your Vue components.
Each Vue component has a unique output. This output is always present in the render function.
Although we can test each method of a Vue component individually, our goal must be to test the output
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Migration to Vue 3
In order to prepare for the eventual migration to Vue 3.x, we should be wary about adding the following features to the codebase:
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# Vuex
When there's a clear benefit to separating state management from components (e.g. due to state complexity) we recommend using [Vuex]( over any other Flux pattern. Otherwise, feel free to manage state within the components.
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Features inside the `.gitlab/` directory
We have implemented standard features that depend on configuration files in the `.gitlab/` directory. You can find `.gitlab/` in various GitLab repositories.
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# File Storage in GitLab
We use the [CarrierWave]( gem to handle file upload, store and retrieval.
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Foreign Keys & Associations
When adding an association to a model you must also add a foreign key. For
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# `Gemfile` guidelines
When adding a new entry to `Gemfile` or upgrading an existing dependency pay
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Dependency Management in Go
Go takes an unusual approach to dependency management, in that it is
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Gotchas
The purpose of this guide is to document potential "gotchas" that contributors
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# GraphQL development guidelines
This guide contains all the information to successfully contribute to GitLab's
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# GraphQL pagination
## Types of pagination
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Hash Indexes
PostgreSQL supports hash indexes besides the regular B-tree
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Internationalization for GitLab
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 9.2.
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Translate GitLab to your language
The text in GitLab's user interface is in American English by default.
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Merging translations from CrowdIn
CrowdIn automatically syncs the `gitlab.pot` file with the CrowdIn service, presenting
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Proofread Translations
Most translations are contributed, reviewed, and accepted by the community. We
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Translating GitLab
For managing the translation process we use [CrowdIn](
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Import/Export development documentation
Troubleshooting and general development guidelines and tips for the [Import/Export feature](../user/project/settings/
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Test Import Project
For testing, we can import our own [GitLab CE]( project (named `gitlabhq` in this case) under a group named `qa-perf-testing`. Project tarballs that can be used for testing can be found over on the [performance-data]( project. A different project could be used if required.
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
description: "Sometimes it is necessary to store large amounts of records at once, which can be inefficient
when iterating collections and performing individual `save`s. With the arrival of `insert_all`
in Rails 6, which operates at the row level (that is, using `Hash`es), GitLab has added a set
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Setting up a development environment
The following are required to install and test the app:
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Developing against interacting components or features
It's not uncommon that a single code change can reflect and interact with multiple parts of GitLab
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Iterating Tables In Batches
Rails provides a method called `in_batches` that can be used to iterate over
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Licensed feature availability **(STARTER)**
As of GitLab 9.4, we've been supporting a simplified version of licensed
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# GitLab Licensing and Compatibility
[GitLab Community Edition]( (CE) is licensed [under the terms of the MIT License]( [GitLab Enterprise Edition]( (EE) is licensed under "[The GitLab Enterprise Edition (EE) license](" wherein there are more restrictions.
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Mass inserting Rails models
Setting the environment variable [`MASS_INSERT=1`](
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Merge Request Performance Guidelines
Each new introduced merge request **should be performant by default**.
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Migration Style Guide
When writing migrations for GitLab, you have to take into account that
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Modules with instance variables could be considered harmful
## Background
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Database case study: Namespaces storage statistics
## Introduction
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Dependencies
## Adding Dependencies
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Accessibility
Using semantic HTML plays a key role when it comes to accessibility.
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Components
## Graphs
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Development
## [Components](
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Performance
## Monitoring
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Frontend Development Guidelines
This guide contains all the information to successfully contribute to GitLab's frontend.
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Dirty Submit
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 11.3.
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Modules
- [DirtySubmit](
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Merge request widget extensions
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.6.
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Tips
## Clearing production compiled assets
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Newlines style guide
This style guide recommends best practices for newlines in Ruby code.
stage: Enablement
group: Distribution
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# What you should know about Omnibus packages
Most users install GitLab using our Omnibus packages. As a developer it can be
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Ordering Table Columns in PostgreSQL
For GitLab we require that columns of new tables are ordered to use the
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group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Performance Guidelines
This document describes various guidelines to follow to ensure good and
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info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# GitLab permissions guide
There are multiple types of permissions across GitLab, and when implementing
stage: none
group: unassigned
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# `DeclarativePolicy` framework
The DeclarativePolicy framework is designed to assist in performance of policy checks, and to enable ease of extension for EE. The DSL code in `app/policies` is what `Ability.allowed?` uses to check whether a particular action is allowed on a subject.
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