=link_tonamespace_project_tag_path(@project.namespace,@project,@tag.name),class: 'btn btn-remove remove-row grouped has_tooltip',title: "Delete tag",method: :delete,data: {confirm: "Deleting the '#{@tag.name}' tag cannot be undone. Are you sure?"}do
You can import your existing GitHub Enterprise projects following these steps.
* First, you need to [enable GitHub Enterprise support](http://doc.gitlab.com/ee/integration/github.html) on your GitLab instance.
If you want to import from a GitHub Enterprise instance, you need to use GitLab Enterprise; please see the [EE docs for the GitHub integration](http://doc.gitlab.com/ee/integration/github.html).
* Sign in to GitLab.com and go to your dashboard.
* To get to the importer page, you need to go to the "New project" page.
* Click on the "Import project from GitHub" link and you will be redirected to GitHub for permission to access your projects. After accepting, you'll be automatically redirected to the importer.
![Importer page](github_importer/importer.png)
* To import a project, you can simple click "Add". The importer will import your repository, issues, and pull requests. Once the importer is done, a new GitLab project will be created with your imported data.
### Note
When you import your projects from GitHub, it is not possible to keep your labels, milestones, and cross-repository pull requests. We are working on improving this in the near future.
# Import your project from GitHub to GitLab
_**Note:** In order to enable the GitHub import setting, you should first
enable the [GitHub integration][gh-import] in your GitLab instance._
At its current state, GitHub importer can import:
- the repository description
- the git repository data
- the issues
- the pull requests
- the wiki pages
The importer page is visible when you [create a new project][new-project].
Click on the **GitHub** link and you will be redirected to GitHub for
permission to access your projects. After accepting, you'll be automatically
redirected to the importer.
![New project page on GitLab](img/import_projects_from_github_new_project_page.png)
While at the GitHub importer page, you can see the import statuses of your
GitHub projects. Those that are being imported will show a _started_ status,
those already imported will be green, whereas those that are not yet imported
have an **Import** button on the right side of the table. If you want, you can
import all your GitHub projects in one go by hitting **Import all projects**