@@ -224,14 +224,10 @@ If you need your Review App to stay up for a longer time, you can
`review-deploy` job to update the "latest deployed at" time.
The `review-cleanup` job that automatically runs in scheduled
pipelines (and is manual in merge request) stops stale Review Apps after 5 days,
pipelines stops stale Review Apps after 5 days,
deletes their environment after 6 days, and cleans up any dangling Helm releases
and Kubernetes resources after 7 days.
The `review-gcp-cleanup` job that automatically runs in scheduled pipelines
(and is manual in merge request) removes any dangling GCP network resources
that were not removed along with the Kubernetes resources.
## Cluster configuration
The cluster is configured via Terraform in the [`engineering-productivity-infrastructure`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/quality/engineering-productivity-infrastructure) project.