Commit 0d63823b authored by Pavel Shutsin's avatar Pavel Shutsin Committed by Adam Hegyi

Drop obsolete ghost column

Please use new user_type column if needed
parent 82692f7f
......@@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ class User < ApplicationRecord
def update_highest_role?
return false unless persisted?
(previous_changes.keys & %w(state user_type ghost)).any?
(previous_changes.keys & %w(state user_type)).any?
def update_highest_role_attribute
title: Remove obsolete users.ghost column
merge_request: 32957
type: other
......@@ -465,7 +465,6 @@ tables:
- auditor
- require_two_factor_authentication_from_group
- two_factor_grace_period
- ghost
- last_activity_on
- notified_of_own_activity
- user_type
# frozen_string_literal: true
class RenameUserTypeIndex < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
DOWNTIME = false
def up
add_concurrent_index :users, [:state, :user_type], name: 'index_users_on_state_and_user_type'
remove_concurrent_index_by_name :users, 'index_users_on_state_and_user_type_internal'
def down
add_concurrent_index :users, [:state, :user_type], where: 'ghost IS NOT TRUE', name: 'index_users_on_state_and_user_type_internal'
remove_concurrent_index_by_name :users, 'index_users_on_state_and_user_type'
# frozen_string_literal: true
class DropUsersGhostColumn < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
DOWNTIME = false
def up
remove_concurrent_index_by_name :users, 'index_users_on_ghost'
with_lock_retries do
remove_column :users, :ghost
def down
unless column_exists?(:users, :ghost)
with_lock_retries do
add_column :users, :ghost, :boolean # rubocop:disable Migration/AddColumnsToWideTables
execute 'UPDATE users set ghost = TRUE WHERE user_type = 5'
add_concurrent_index :users, :ghost
......@@ -6806,7 +6806,6 @@ CREATE TABLE public.users (
auditor boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
require_two_factor_authentication_from_group boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
two_factor_grace_period integer DEFAULT 48 NOT NULL,
ghost boolean,
last_activity_on date,
notified_of_own_activity boolean,
preferred_language character varying,
......@@ -10826,8 +10825,6 @@ CREATE INDEX index_users_on_email_trigram ON public.users USING gin (email publi
CREATE INDEX index_users_on_feed_token ON public.users USING btree (feed_token);
CREATE INDEX index_users_on_ghost ON public.users USING btree (ghost);
CREATE INDEX index_users_on_group_view ON public.users USING btree (group_view);
CREATE INDEX index_users_on_incoming_email_token ON public.users USING btree (incoming_email_token);
......@@ -10844,7 +10841,7 @@ CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_users_on_reset_password_token ON public.users USING bt
CREATE INDEX index_users_on_state ON public.users USING btree (state);
CREATE INDEX index_users_on_state_and_user_type_internal ON public.users USING btree (state, user_type) WHERE (ghost IS NOT TRUE);
CREATE INDEX index_users_on_state_and_user_type ON public.users USING btree (state, user_type);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_users_on_static_object_token ON public.users USING btree (static_object_token);
......@@ -13925,5 +13922,7 @@ COPY "schema_migrations" (version) FROM STDIN;
......@@ -257,11 +257,11 @@ Your Rails console will return the generated SQL queries.
pry(main)> Gitlab::UsageData.count(
(0.4ms) SELECT "features"."key" FROM "features"
(0.7ms) SELECT MIN("users"."id") FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."state" IN ('active')) AND (ghost IS NOT TRUE) AND ("users"."user_type" IS NULL OR "users"."user_type" NOT IN (2, 1, 3))
(0.6ms) SELECT MAX("users"."id") FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."state" IN ('active')) AND (ghost IS NOT TRUE) AND ("users"."user_type" IS NULL OR "users"."user_type" NOT IN (2, 1, 3))
(0.5ms) SELECT COUNT("users"."id") FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."state" IN ('active')) AND (ghost IS NOT TRUE) AND ("users"."user_type" IS NULL OR "users"."user_type" NOT IN (2, 1, 3)) AND "users"."id" BETWEEN 0 AND 99999
pry(main)> Gitlab::UsageData.count(
(2.6ms) SELECT "features"."key" FROM "features"
(15.3ms) SELECT MIN("users"."id") FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."state" IN ('active')) AND ("users"."user_type" IS NULL OR "users"."user_type" IN (6, 4))
(2.4ms) SELECT MAX("users"."id") FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."state" IN ('active')) AND ("users"."user_type" IS NULL OR "users"."user_type" IN (6, 4))
(1.9ms) SELECT COUNT("users"."id") FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."state" IN ('active')) AND ("users"."user_type" IS NULL OR "users"."user_type" IN (6, 4)) AND "users"."id" BETWEEN 1 AND 100000
### 3. Optimize queries with #database-lab
......@@ -315,25 +315,30 @@ the `Indexes:` section:
"users_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"users_confirmation_token_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (confirmation_token)
"users_email_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (email)
"users_reset_password_token_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (reset_password_token)
"index_on_users_lower_email" btree (lower(email::text))
"index_on_users_lower_username" btree (lower(username::text))
"index_users_on_confirmation_token" UNIQUE, btree (confirmation_token)
"index_users_on_email" UNIQUE, btree (email)
"index_users_on_reset_password_token" UNIQUE, btree (reset_password_token)
"index_users_on_static_object_token" UNIQUE, btree (static_object_token)
"index_users_on_unlock_token" UNIQUE, btree (unlock_token)
"index_on_users_name_lower" btree (lower(name::text))
"index_users_on_accepted_term_id" btree (accepted_term_id)
"index_users_on_admin" btree (admin)
"index_users_on_created_at" btree (created_at)
"index_users_on_email_trigram" gin (email gin_trgm_ops)
"index_users_on_feed_token" btree (feed_token)
"index_users_on_ghost" btree (ghost)
"index_users_on_group_view" btree (group_view)
"index_users_on_incoming_email_token" btree (incoming_email_token)
"index_users_on_managing_group_id" btree (managing_group_id)
"index_users_on_name" btree (name)
"index_users_on_name_trigram" gin (name gin_trgm_ops)
"index_users_on_public_email" btree (public_email) WHERE public_email::text <> ''::text
"index_users_on_state" btree (state)
"index_users_on_state_and_internal_attrs" btree (state) WHERE ghost <> true AND support_bot <> true
"index_users_on_support_bot" btree (support_bot)
"index_users_on_state_and_user_type" btree (state, user_type)
"index_users_on_unconfirmed_email" btree (unconfirmed_email) WHERE unconfirmed_email IS NOT NULL
"index_users_on_user_type" btree (user_type)
"index_users_on_username" btree (username)
"index_users_on_username_trigram" gin (username gin_trgm_ops)
"tmp_idx_on_user_id_where_bio_is_filled" btree (id) WHERE COALESCE(bio, ''::character varying)::text IS DISTINCT FROM ''::text
Here we can see there is no index on the `twitter` column, which means
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