> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cluster-integration/cluster-applications/-/merge_requests/40) in GitLab 12.8.
Enable JupyterHub in the `.gitlab/managed-apps/config.yaml` file to install it:
`gitlabProjectIdWhitelist` restricts GitLab authentication to only members of the specified projects. `gitlabGroupWhitelist` restricts GitLab authentication to only members of the specified groups. Specifying an empty array for both will allow any user on the GitLab instance to log in.
JupyterHub is installed into the `gitlab-managed-apps` namespace of your
In order for JupyterHub to function, you must setup an [OAuth Application](../../integration/oauth_provider.md). Using the following values:
- "Redirect URI" to `http://<JupyterHub Host>/hub/oauth_callback`
- "Scope" to `api read_repository write_repository`
In addition the following variables must be specified using [CI variables](../../ci/variables/README.md):
-`JUPYTERHUB_PROXY_SECRET_TOKEN` will set [`proxy.secretToken`](https://zero-to-jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/stable/reference.html#proxy-secrettoken). Generate this using `openssl rand -hex 32`.
-`JUPYTERHUB_COOKIE_SECRET` will set [`hub.cookieSecret`](https://zero-to-jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/stable/reference.html#hub-cookiesecret). Generate this using `openssl rand -hex 32`.
-`JUPYTERHUB_HOST` is the hostname used for the installation (e.g., `jupyter.example.gitlab.com`).
-`JUPYTERHUB_GITLAB_HOST` is the hostname of the GitLab instance used for authentication (e.g., `example.gitlab.com`).
-`JUPYTERHUB_AUTH_CRYPTO_KEY` will set [`auth.state.cryptoKey`](https://zero-to-jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/stable/reference.html#auth-state-cryptokey). Generate this using `openssl rand -hex 32`.
-`JUPYTERHUB_AUTH_GITLAB_CLIENT_ID` the "Application ID" for the OAuth Application.
-`JUPYTERHUB_AUTH_GITLAB_CLIENT_SECRET` the "Secret" for the OAuth Application.