Commit 166193b5 authored by Ezekiel Kigbo's avatar Ezekiel Kigbo

Minor maintainer feedback

Replace bootstrap utilites with gl- versions
and adds jsDoc information for utils
parent 0f50c588
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ export default {
methods: {
eventFieldClasses(condition) {
return condition ? 'w-50 mr-1' : 'w-100';
return condition ? 'gl-w-half gl-mr-2' : 'gl-w-full';
hasFieldErrors(key) {
return this.errors[key]?.length < 1;
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ export default {
@input="handleUpdateField('name', $event)"
<div class="d-flex" :class="{ 'justify-content-between': startEventRequiresLabel }">
<div class="d-flex" :class="{ 'gl-justify-content-between': startEventRequiresLabel }">
<div :class="eventFieldClasses(startEventRequiresLabel)">
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ export default {
<div v-if="startEventRequiresLabel" class="w-50 ml-1">
<div v-if="startEventRequiresLabel" class="gl-w-half gl-ml-2">
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ export default {
<div class="d-flex" :class="{ 'justify-content-between': endEventRequiresLabel }">
<div class="d-flex" :class="{ 'gl-justify-content-between': endEventRequiresLabel }">
<div :class="eventFieldClasses(endEventRequiresLabel)">
......@@ -2,11 +2,38 @@ import { isStartEvent, getAllowedEndEvents, eventToOption, eventsByIdentifier }
import { I18N, ERRORS, defaultErrors, defaultFields } from './constants';
import { DEFAULT_STAGE_NAMES } from '../../constants';
* @typedef {Object} CustomStageEvents
* @property {String} canBeStartEvent - Title of the metric measured
* @property {String} name - Friendly name for the event
* @property {String} identifier - snakeized name for the event
* @typedef {Object} DropdownData
* @property {String} text - Friendly name for the event
* @property {String} value - Value to be submitted for the dropdown
* Takes an array of custom stage events to return only the
* events where `canBeStartEvent` is true and converts them
* to { value, text } pairs for use in dropdowns
* @param {CustomStageEvents[]} events
* @returns {DropdownData[]} array of start events formatted for dropdowns
export const startEventOptions = eventsList => [
{ value: null, text: I18N.SELECT_START_EVENT },
* Takes an array of custom stage events to return only the
* events where `canBeStartEvent` is false and converts them
* to { value, text } pairs for use in dropdowns
* @param {CustomStageEvents[]} events
* @returns {DropdownData[]} array end events formatted for dropdowns
export const endEventOptions = (eventsList, startEventIdentifier) => {
const endEvents = getAllowedEndEvents(eventsList, startEventIdentifier);
return [
......@@ -15,6 +42,19 @@ export const endEventOptions = (eventsList, startEventIdentifier) => {
* @typedef {Object} CustomStageFormData
* @property {Object.<String, String>} fields - form field values
* @property {Object.<String, Array>} errors - form field errors
* Initializes the fields and errors for the custom stages form
* providing defaults for any missing keys
* @param {CustomStageFormData} data
* @returns {CustomStageFormData} the updated initial data with all defaults
export const initializeFormData = ({ fields, errors }) => {
const initErrors = fields?.endEventIdentifier
? defaultErrors
......@@ -34,6 +74,14 @@ export const initializeFormData = ({ fields, errors }) => {
* Validates the form fields for the custom stages form
* Any errors will be returned in a object where the key is
* the name of the field.g
* @param {Object} fields key value pair of form field values
* @returns {Object} key value pair of form fields with an array of errors
export const validateFields = fields => {
const newErrors = {};
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