Commit 1b7e69c0 authored by Rémy Coutable's avatar Rémy Coutable Committed by Heinrich Lee Yu

Add Lefthook to the Gemfile and improve documentation

This will ease the integration of Lefthook with GitPod.
Signed-off-by: default avatarRémy Coutable <>
parent c095fcc7
......@@ -336,6 +336,7 @@ end
group :development do
gem 'brakeman', '~> 4.2', require: false
gem 'danger', '~> 8.0.6', require: false
gem 'lefthook', '~> 0.7', require: false
gem 'letter_opener_web', '~> 1.3.4'
......@@ -658,6 +658,7 @@ GEM
rest-client (~> 2.0)
launchy (2.4.3)
addressable (~> 2.3)
lefthook (0.7.2)
letter_opener (1.7.0)
launchy (~> 2.2)
letter_opener_web (1.3.4)
......@@ -1410,6 +1411,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
knapsack (~> 1.17)
kramdown (~> 2.3.0)
kubeclient (~> 4.9.1)
lefthook (~> 0.7)
letter_opener_web (~> 1.3.4)
license_finder (~> 6.0)
licensee (~> 8.9)
......@@ -15,52 +15,83 @@ settings automatically by default. If your editor/IDE does not automatically sup
we suggest investigating to see if a plugin exists. For instance here is the
[plugin for vim](
## Pre-push static analysis
## Pre-push static analysis with Lefthook
We strongly recommend installing [Lefthook]( to automatically check
for static analysis offenses before pushing your changes.
[Lefthook]( is a Git hooks manager that allows
custom logic to be executed prior to Git committing or pushing. GitLab comes with
Lefthook configuration (`lefthook.yml`), but it must be installed.
To install `lefthook`, run the following in your GitLab source directory:
We have a `lefthook.yml` checked in but it is ignored until Lefthook is installed.
# 1. Make sure to uninstall Overcommit first
overcommit --uninstall
### Uninstall Overcommit
We were using Overcommit prior to Lefthook, so you may want to uninstall it first with `overcommit --uninstall`.
### Install Lefthook
1. Install the `lefthook` Ruby gem:
bundle install
1. Install Lefthook managed Git hooks:
bundle exec lefthook install
1. Test Lefthook is working by running the Lefthook `prepare-commit-msg` Git hook:
bundle exec lefthook run prepare-commit-msg
This should return a fully qualified path command with no other output.
# If using rbenv, at this point you may need to do: rbenv rehash
### Lefthook configuration
# 2. Install lefthook...
The current Lefthook configuration can be found in [`lefthook.yml`](
## With Homebrew (macOS)
brew install Arkweid/lefthook/lefthook
Before you push your changes, Lefthook automatically runs the following checks:
## Or with Go
go get
- Danger: Runs a subset of checks that `danger-review` runs on your merge requests.
- ES lint: Run `yarn eslint` checks (with the [`.eslintrc.yml`]( config) on the modified `*.{js,vue}` files. Tags: `frontend`, `style`.
- HAML lint: Run `bundle exec haml-lint` checks (with the [`.haml-lint.yml`]( config) on the modified `*.html.haml` files. Tags: `view`, `haml`, `style`.
- Markdown lint: Run `yarn markdownlint` checks on the modified `*.md` files. Tags: `documentation`, `style`.
- SCSS lint: Run `bundle exec scss-lint` checks (with the [`.scss-lint.yml`]( config) on the modified `*.scss{,.css}` files. Tags: `stylesheet`, `css`, `style`.
- RuboCop: Run `bundle exec rubocop` checks (with the [`.rubocop.yml`]( config) on the modified `*.rb` files. Tags: `backend`, `style`.
- Vale: Run `vale` checks (with the [`.vale.ini`]( config) on the modified `*.md` files. Tags: `documentation`, `style`.
## Or with Rubygems
gem install lefthook
In addition to the default configuration, you can define a [local configuration](
### You may need to run the following if you're using rbenv
rbenv rehash
### Disable Lefthook temporarily
# 3. Install the Git hooks
lefthook install -f
To disable Lefthook temporarily, you can set the `LEFTHOOK` environment variable to `0`. For instance:
LEFTHOOK=0 git push ...
### Run Lefthook hooks manually
To run the `pre-push` Git hook, run:
bundle exec lefthook run pre-push
Before you push your changes, Lefthook then automatically run Danger checks, and other checks
for changed files. This saves you time as you don't have to wait for the same errors to be detected
by CI/CD.
For more information, check out [Lefthook documentation](
### Skip Lefthook checks per tag
Lefthook relies on a pre-push hook to prevent commits that violate its ruleset.
To override this behavior, pass the environment variable `LEFTHOOK=0`. That is,
`LEFTHOOK=0 git push`.
To skip some checks based on tags when pushing, you can set the `LEFTHOOK_EXCLUDE` environment variable. For instance:
You can also:
LEFTHOOK_EXCLUDE=frontend,documentation git push ...
- Define [local configuration](
- Skip [checks per tag on the fly](
For example, `LEFTHOOK_EXCLUDE=frontend git push origin`.
- Run [hooks manually](
For example, `lefthook run pre-push`.
For more information, check out [Lefthook documentation](
## Ruby, Rails, RSpec
......@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Configuration for `lefthook` is available in the [`lefthook.yml`](https://gitlab
file for the [`gitlab`]( project.
To set up `lefthook` for documentation linting, see
[Pre-push static analysis](../contributing/
[Pre-push static analysis](../contributing/
### Show subset of Vale alerts
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