| `AUTO_DEVOPS_CHART_REPOSITORY_USERNAME` | From GitLab 11.11, used to set a username to connect to the Helm repository. Defaults to no credentials. Also set `AUTO_DEVOPS_CHART_REPOSITORY_PASSWORD`. |
| `AUTO_DEVOPS_CHART_REPOSITORY_PASSWORD` | From GitLab 11.11, used to set a password to connect to the Helm repository. Defaults to no credentials. Also set `AUTO_DEVOPS_CHART_REPOSITORY_USERNAME`. |
| `AUTO_DEVOPS_DEPLOY_DEBUG` | From GitLab 13.1, if this variable is present, Helm will output debug logs. |
| `AUTO_DEVOPS_ALLOW_TO_FORCE_DEPLOY_V<N>` | From [auto-deploy-image](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cluster-integration/auto-deploy-image) v1.0.0, if this variable is present, a new major version of chart is forcibly deployed. [More details](upgrading_chart.md#forcibly-continue-deploying-with-ignoring-the-warning) |
| `AUTO_DEVOPS_ALLOW_TO_FORCE_DEPLOY_V<N>` | From [auto-deploy-image](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cluster-integration/auto-deploy-image) v1.0.0, if this variable is present, a new major version of chart is forcibly deployed. [More details](upgrading_chart.md#ignore-warning-and-continue-deploying) |
| `AUTO_DEVOPS_MODSECURITY_SEC_RULE_ENGINE` | From GitLab 12.5, used in combination with [ModSecurity feature flag](../../user/clusters/applications.md#web-application-firewall-modsecurity) to toggle [ModSecurity's `SecRuleEngine`](https://github.com/SpiderLabs/ModSecurity/wiki/Reference-Manual-(v2.x)#SecRuleEngine) behavior. Defaults to `DetectionOnly`. |
| `BUILDPACK_URL` | Buildpack's full URL. Can point to either [a Git repository URL or a tarball URL](#custom-buildpacks). |
| `CANARY_ENABLED` | From GitLab 11.0, used to define a [deploy policy for canary environments](#deploy-policy-for-canary-environments-premium). |