| `CI_RUNNER_REVISION` | all | 10.6 | GitLab Runner revision that is executing the current job |
| `CI_RUNNER_REVISION` | all | 10.6 | GitLab Runner revision that is executing the current job |
| `CI_RUNNER_TAGS` | 8.10 | 0.5 | The defined runner tags |
| `CI_RUNNER_TAGS` | 8.10 | 0.5 | The defined runner tags |
| `CI_RUNNER_VERSION` | all | 10.6 | GitLab Runner version that is executing the current job |
| `CI_RUNNER_VERSION` | all | 10.6 | GitLab Runner version that is executing the current job |
| `CI_RUNNER_SHORT_TOKEN` | all | 12.3 | First eight characters of GitLab Runner's token used to authenticate new job requests. Used as Runner's unique ID |
| `CI_SERVER` | all | all | Mark that job is executed in CI environment |
| `CI_SERVER` | all | all | Mark that job is executed in CI environment |
| `CI_SERVER_HOST` | 12.1 | all | Host component of the GitLab instance URL, without protocol and port (like gitlab.example.com) |
| `CI_SERVER_HOST` | 12.1 | all | Host component of the GitLab instance URL, without protocol and port (like gitlab.example.com) |
| `CI_SERVER_NAME` | all | all | The name of CI server that is used to coordinate jobs |
| `CI_SERVER_NAME` | all | all | The name of CI server that is used to coordinate jobs |
Additionally, you can choose the alignment of text within columns by adding colons (`:`)
Additionally, you can choose the alignment of text within columns by adding colons (`:`)
to the sides of the "dash" lines in the second row. This will affect every cell in the column.
to the sides of the "dash" lines in the second row. This will affect every cell in the column.
> Note that the headers are always right aligned [within GitLab itself itself](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/doc/user/markdown.md#tables).
> Note that the headers are always right aligned [within GitLab itself](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/doc/user/markdown.md#tables).
| Left Aligned | Centered | Right Aligned | Left Aligned | Centered | Right Aligned |
| Left Aligned | Centered | Right Aligned | Left Aligned | Centered | Right Aligned |