Commit 1fbfc5e4 authored by Olena Horal-Koretska's avatar Olena Horal-Koretska

Merge branch '347490-feature-flag-rollout-of-hide_access_tokens' into 'master'

Remove `hide_access_tokens` feature flag

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!78148
parents a3a4ab0f 74f72fde
......@@ -32,64 +32,5 @@
type_plural: type_plural,
active_tokens: @active_personal_access_tokens,
revoke_route_helper: ->(token) { revoke_profile_personal_access_token_path(token) }
- if Feature.enabled?(:hide_access_tokens, default_enabled: :yaml)
#js-tokens-app{ data: { tokens_data: tokens_app_data } }
- else
- unless Gitlab::CurrentSettings.disable_feed_token
= s_('AccessTokens|Feed token')
= s_('AccessTokens|Your feed token authenticates you when your RSS reader loads a personalized RSS feed or when your calendar application loads a personalized calendar. It is visible in those feed URLs.')
= s_('AccessTokens|It cannot be used to access any other data.')
= label_tag :feed_token, s_('AccessTokens|Feed token'), class: 'label-bold'
= text_field_tag :feed_token, current_user.feed_token, class: 'form-control gl-form-input js-select-on-focus', readonly: true
- reset_link = link_to s_('AccessTokens|reset this token'), [:reset, :feed_token, :profile], method: :put, data: { confirm: s_('AccessTokens|Are you sure? Any RSS or calendar URLs currently in use will stop working.'), testid: :reset_feed_token_link }
- reset_message = s_('AccessTokens|Keep this token secret. Anyone who has it can read activity and issue RSS feeds or your calendar feed as if they were you. If that happens, %{link_reset_it}.') % { link_reset_it: reset_link }
= reset_message.html_safe
- if incoming_email_token_enabled?
= s_('AccessTokens|Incoming email token')
= s_('AccessTokens|Your incoming email token authenticates you when you create a new issue by email, and is included in your personal project-specific email addresses.')
= s_('AccessTokens|It cannot be used to access any other data.')
= label_tag :incoming_email_token, s_('AccessTokens|Incoming email token'), class: 'label-bold'
= text_field_tag :incoming_email_token, current_user.incoming_email_token, class: 'form-control gl-form-input js-select-on-focus', readonly: true
- reset_link = link_to s_('AccessTokens|reset this token'), [:reset, :incoming_email_token, :profile], method: :put, data: { confirm: s_('AccessTokens|Are you sure? Any issue email addresses currently in use will stop working.'), testid: :reset_email_token_link }
- reset_message = s_('AccessTokens|Keep this token secret. Anyone who has it can create issues as if they were you. If that happens, %{link_reset_it}.') % { link_reset_it: reset_link }
= reset_message.html_safe
- if static_objects_external_storage_enabled?
= s_('AccessTokens|Static object token')
= s_('AccessTokens|Your static object token authenticates you when repository static objects (such as archives or blobs) are served from an external storage.')
= s_('AccessTokens|It cannot be used to access any other data.')
= label_tag :static_object_token, s_('AccessTokens|Static object token'), class: "label-bold"
= text_field_tag :static_object_token, current_user.static_object_token, class: 'form-control gl-form-input', readonly: true, onclick: ''
- reset_link = url_for [:reset, :static_object_token, :profile]
- reset_link_start = '<a data-confirm="%{confirm}" rel="nofollow" data-method="put" href="%{url}">'.html_safe % { confirm: s_('AccessTokens|Are you sure?'), url: reset_link }
- reset_link_end = '</a>'.html_safe
- reset_message = s_('AccessTokens|Keep this token secret. Anyone who has it can access repository static objects as if they were you. If that ever happens, %{reset_link_start}reset this token%{reset_link_end}.') % { reset_link_start: reset_link_start, reset_link_end: reset_link_end }
= reset_message.html_safe
#js-tokens-app{ data: { tokens_data: tokens_app_data } }
name: hide_access_tokens
milestone: '14.6'
type: development
group: group::access
default_enabled: true
......@@ -1835,21 +1835,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "AccessTokens|Keep this token secret. Anyone who has it can access repository static objects as if they were you. If that ever happens, %{linkStart}reset this token%{linkEnd}."
msgstr ""
msgid "AccessTokens|Keep this token secret. Anyone who has it can access repository static objects as if they were you. If that ever happens, %{reset_link_start}reset this token%{reset_link_end}."
msgstr ""
msgid "AccessTokens|Keep this token secret. Anyone who has it can create issues as if they were you. If that happens, %{linkStart}reset this token%{linkEnd}."
msgstr ""
msgid "AccessTokens|Keep this token secret. Anyone who has it can create issues as if they were you. If that happens, %{link_reset_it}."
msgstr ""
msgid "AccessTokens|Keep this token secret. Anyone who has it can read activity and issue RSS feeds or your calendar feed as if they were you. If that happens, %{linkStart}reset this token%{linkEnd}."
msgstr ""
msgid "AccessTokens|Keep this token secret. Anyone who has it can read activity and issue RSS feeds or your calendar feed as if they were you. If that happens, %{link_reset_it}."
msgstr ""
msgid "AccessTokens|Personal Access Tokens"
msgstr ""
......@@ -1874,9 +1865,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "AccessTokens|Your static object token authenticates you when repository static objects (such as archives or blobs) are served from an external storage."
msgstr ""
msgid "AccessTokens|reset this token"
msgstr ""
msgid "AccessibilityReport|Learn more"
msgstr ""
......@@ -62,66 +62,33 @@ RSpec.describe 'Profile account page', :js do
describe 'when I reset feed token' do
it 'resets feed token with `hide_access_tokens` feature flag enabled' do
visit profile_personal_access_tokens_path
it 'allows resetting of feed token' do
visit profile_personal_access_tokens_path
within('[data-testid="feed-token-container"]') do
previous_token = find_field('Feed token').value
within('[data-testid="feed-token-container"]') do
previous_token = find_field('Feed token').value
accept_confirm { click_link('reset this token') }
accept_confirm { click_link('reset this token') }
click_button('Click to reveal')
click_button('Click to reveal')
expect(find_field('Feed token').value).not_to eq(previous_token)
it 'resets feed token with `hide_access_tokens` feature flag disabled' do
stub_feature_flags(hide_access_tokens: false)
visit profile_personal_access_tokens_path
within('.feed-token-reset') do
previous_token = find("#feed_token").value
accept_confirm { find('[data-testid="reset_feed_token_link"]').click }
expect(find('#feed_token').value).not_to eq(previous_token)
expect(find_field('Feed token').value).not_to eq(previous_token)
describe 'when I reset incoming email token' do
before do
allow(Gitlab.config.incoming_email).to receive(:enabled).and_return(true)
stub_feature_flags(bootstrap_confirmation_modals: false)
it 'resets incoming email token with `hide_access_tokens` feature flag enabled' do
visit profile_personal_access_tokens_path
within('[data-testid="incoming-email-token-container"]') do
previous_token = find_field('Incoming email token').value
accept_confirm { click_link('reset this token') }
it 'allows resetting of incoming email token' do
allow(Gitlab.config.incoming_email).to receive(:enabled).and_return(true)
click_button('Click to reveal')
visit profile_personal_access_tokens_path
expect(find_field('Incoming email token').value).not_to eq(previous_token)
within('[data-testid="incoming-email-token-container"]') do
previous_token = find_field('Incoming email token').value
it 'resets incoming email token with `hide_access_tokens` feature flag disabled' do
stub_feature_flags(hide_access_tokens: false)
visit profile_personal_access_tokens_path
accept_confirm { click_link('reset this token') }
within('.incoming-email-token-reset') do
previous_token = find('#incoming_email_token').value
click_button('Click to reveal')
accept_confirm { find('[data-testid="reset_email_token_link"]').click }
expect(find('#incoming_email_token').value).not_to eq(previous_token)
expect(find_field('Incoming email token').value).not_to eq(previous_token)
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'Profile > Personal Access Tokens', :js do
describe "feed token" do
context "when enabled" do
it "displays feed token with `hide_access_tokens` feature flag enabled" do
it "displays feed token" do
allow(Gitlab::CurrentSettings).to receive(:disable_feed_token).and_return(false)
visit profile_personal_access_tokens_path
......@@ -143,15 +143,6 @@ RSpec.describe 'Profile > Personal Access Tokens', :js do
expect(page).to have_content(feed_token_description)
it "displays feed token with `hide_access_tokens` feature flag disabled" do
stub_feature_flags(hide_access_tokens: false)
allow(Gitlab::CurrentSettings).to receive(:disable_feed_token).and_return(false)
visit profile_personal_access_tokens_path
expect(page).to have_field('Feed token', with: user.feed_token)
expect(page).to have_content(feed_token_description)
context "when disabled" do
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