Avoid terms that reflect negative cultural stereotypes and history. In most cases, you can replace terms such as `master` and `slave` with terms that are more precise and functional, such as `primary` and `secondary`.
Avoid terms that reflect negative cultural stereotypes and history. In most cases, you can replace terms such as `master` and `slave` with terms that are more precise and functional, such as `primary` and `secondary`.
| Use | Avoid |
| Use | Avoid |
| Primary / secondary | Master / slave |
| Primary / secondary | Master / slave |
| Blacklist / whitelist | Allowlist / denylist |
| Allowlist / denylist | Blacklist / whitelist |
For more information see the following [Internet Draft specification](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-knodel-terminology-02).
For more information see the following [Internet Draft specification](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-knodel-terminology-02).