=(_s("Todos|Are you looking for things to do? Take a look at %{strongStart}%{openIssuesLinkStart}open issues%{openIssuesLinkEnd}%{strongEnd}, contribute to %{strongStart}%{mergeRequestLinkStart}a merge request%{mergeRequestLinkEnd}%{mergeRequestLinkEnd}%{strongEnd}, or mention someone in a comment to automatically assign them a new to-do item.")%{strongStart: '<strong>',strongEnd: '</strong>',openIssuesLinkStart: "<a href=\"#{issues_dashboard_path}\">",openIssuesLinkEnd: '</a>',mergeRequestLinkStart: "<a href=\"#{merge_requests_dashboard_path}\">",mergeRequestLinkEnd: '</a>'}).html_safe
or mention someone in a comment to automatically assign them a new to-do item.
Nothing is on your to-do list. Nice work!
=s_("Todos|Nothing is on your to-do list. Nice work!")
Your To-Do List shows what to work on next
=s_("Todos|Your To-Do List shows what to work on next")
When an issue or merge request is assigned to you, or when you receive a
=(s_("Todos|When an issue or merge request is assigned to you, or when you receive a %{strongStart}@mention%{strongEnd} in a comment, this automatically triggers a new item in your To-Do List.")%{strongStart: '<strong>',strongEnd: '</strong>'}).html_safe
in a comment, this automatically triggers a new item in your To-Do List.
It's how you always know what to work on next.
=s_("Todos|It's how you always know what to work on next.")
msgid "Todos|It's how you always know what to work on next."
msgstr ""
msgid "Todos|Mark all as done"
msgstr ""
msgid "Todos|Nothing is on your to-do list. Nice work!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Todos|Undo mark all as done"
msgstr ""
msgid "Todos|When an issue or merge request is assigned to you, or when you receive a %{strongStart}@mention%{strongEnd} in a comment, this automatically triggers a new item in your To-Do List."
msgstr ""
msgid "Todos|You're all done!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Todos|Your To-Do List shows what to work on next"