> - If the repository is private you need to authenticate your GitLab Runner in the
> registry. Learn more about how [GitLab Runner works in this case][runner-priv-reg].
To access private container registries, the GitLab Runner process can use:
-[Statically defined credentials](#using-statically-defined-credentials). That is, a username and password for a specific registry.
-[Credentials Store](#using-credentials-store). For more information, see [the relevant Docker documentation](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/login/#credentials-store).
-[Credential Helpers](#using-credential-helpers). For more information, see [the relevant Docker documentation](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/login/#credential-helpers).
To define which should be used, the GitLab Runner process reads the configuration in the following order:
-`DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG` variable provided as either:
- A [variable](../variables/README.md#gitlab-cicd-environment-variables) in `.gitlab-ci.yml`.
- A project's variables stored on the projects **Settings > CI/CD** page.
-`DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG` variable provided as environment variable in `config.toml` of the Runner.
-`config.json` file placed in `$HOME/docker` directory of the user running GitLab Runner process.
If the `--user` flag is provided to run the GitLab Runner child processes as unprivileged user,
the home directory of the main GitLab Runner process user will be used.
NOTE: **Note:**
GitLab Runner reads this configuration **only** from `config.toml` and ignores it if
it's provided as an environment variable. This is because GitLab Runnner uses **only**
`config.toml` configuration and doesn't interpolate **ANY** environment variables at
### Using statically-defined credentials
As an example, let's assume that you want to use the `registry.example.com:5000/private/image:latest`
image which is private and requires you to login into a private container registry.
@@ -543,6 +566,78 @@ for the Runner to match the `DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG`. For example, if
then the `DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG` must also specify `registry.example.com:5000`.
Specifying only `registry.example.com` will not work.
### Using Credentials Store
> Support for using Credentials Store was added in GitLab Runner 9.5.
To configure credentials store, follow these steps:
1. To use a credentials store, you need an external helper program to interact with a specific keychain or external store.
Make sure helper program is available in GitLab Runner `$PATH`.
1. Make GitLab Runner use it. There are two ways to accomplish this. Either: